Road trip from Olympia to Reno


Verified Owner
Nov 7, 2022
Reaction score
Lucia Air Grand Touring
So far so good; the first of four legs. This leg took me to south of Eugene OR to our first charging prior to our overnight stay in Grants Pass. 40 miles out, Nana Air, given car name, automatically started the preconditioning; great news; also, with only four charge points available, there were a couple of free ones. At a 350 KW, it started off charging at 250 KW; the most I have ever gotten. Now throttled down to 94 which is taking it to a 40 minute charging session; we at lunch so that’s okay. I post more later… what are your questions regarding our experience.. does anyone no if siruisXM is out? By the I’m operating on the latest update… 2.1.10.

Use the SiriusXm thru apple car play and phone if possible
The free Beta version seems to be on an off since last update
Use the SiriusXm thru apple car play and phone if possible
The free Beta version seems to be on an off since last update
I wish Lucid would just offer normal satellite SiriusXM. Can’t be that hard and then there would be no issues.
I wish Lucid would just offer normal satellite SiriusXM. Can’t be that hard and then there would be no issues.
Required a hardware antenna that doesn’t exist in the car. Literally is… hard ware.
Required a hardware antenna that doesn’t exist in the car. Literally is… hard ware.
Yep and that is why Lucid should start adding that to newly manufactured cars.

Sorry I meant to say that in my first post, but did not explain it well enough. 🙂
Required a hardware antenna that doesn’t exist in the car. Literally is… hard ware.
Plus the radio receiver with a new input to infotainment. Maybe we'll see it in the Gravity.
So far so good; the first of four legs. This leg took me to south of Eugene OR to our first charging prior to our overnight stay in Grants Pass. 40 miles out, Nana Air, given car name, automatically started the preconditioning; great news; also, with only four charge points available, there were a couple of free ones. At a 350 KW, it started off charging at 250 KW; the most I have ever gotten. Now throttled down to 94 which is taking it to a 40 minute charging session; we at lunch so that’s okay. I post more later… what are your questions regarding our experience.. does anyone no if siruisXM is out? By the I’m operating on the latest update… 2.1.10.

Another Olympia Lucid? Hard to believe. Have a great trip - we are in Scottsdale most of the time but currently in OlyWA. Looking to maybe do your route on the way back to AZ. Feedback on charging on that route appreciated.
Another Olympia Lucid? Hard to believe. Have a great trip - we are in Scottsdale most of the time but currently in OlyWA. Looking to maybe do your route on the way back to AZ. Feedback on charging on that route appreciated.
Glad to hear that we are not the only Lucid in the Oly area; we had ours since November and have yet seen one in our area; we should meet for coffee or something when we return from our trip. Yesterday, we completed our 2nd Leg of the trip totaling 715 miles. No issue with charging on the first leg as it was on I-5; however, the 2nd leg had me a little nervous because there was only one Electrify America along the route that I took. All in all, although I charged three times, I only needed to charge twice to get to Reno. 2nd Leg Route => From Grants Pass to Reno - I-5 S, CA 89, CA 36, US 385 S, and I-580 S.
Yesterday, we completed our 2nd Leg of the trip totaling 715 miles...

1st Leg: Olympia to Grants Pass along I-5; Charged once for 45 minutes; stayed overnight; also charged while at Grants Pass during the stay; 380 miles; travel time including breaks, charging, etc. about 8 hours.

2nd Leg: From Grants Pass to Reno - I-5 S, CA 89, CA 36, US 385 S, and I-580 S; Charged once for 45 minutes; travel time about the same as the first leg.

Trip Summary: The trip was successful although during the 2nd leg I had a little concern about the range; however, I had a little comfort because the Arrival Distance Calculator in the Air was pretty accurate unlike when we first received the Air. During this leg, there was only one Electrify America along the route to Reno that I saw. The navigation system bypassed the one that I saw and took me to a Chargepoint+ charger to charge the Air which was only about 15 minutes passed the Electrify America charger. Had I known that it was taking me to the Chargepoint+, I would have stopped earlier to charge as I strongly believed that I still would have made it to Reno without issue. Oh well; the Chargepoint+ was slow (68 KW) and cost me 18 bucks...

Complications / Concerns:
- The new OTA updates I received before traveling provided some great features; however, the Highway Assist gave me problems. About every minute, I received a message telling me to put my hands on the steering wheel in error. Although I had my hands on the steering wheel all the time I kept getting the error making it difficult to relax / drive. Before the update, I would hold the steering wheel applying a little pressure left or right which kept the warning from coming on; now when I apply a little pressure left or right, the car tends to move in that direction instead of keeping its position; very frustrating. When I ease off of applying pressure, I continue to get the warning... I found it better to use the Adaptive Cruise than to use the Highway Assist feature during this journey... I hope they fix this soon...
- After the OTA updates: SiriusXM no longer works.

Upcoming Legs three & four, return trip: On the return trip, I will take a different route not because of range anxiety but because I would rather be on a road with more services and rest stops available. I will post an update if any major changes from legs one or two; otherwise, I am here to answer any questions that you would like to know of our journey.
Glad to hear that we are not the only Lucid in the Oly area; we had ours since November and have yet seen one in our area; we should meet for coffee or something when we return from our trip. Yesterday, we completed our 2nd Leg of the trip totaling 715 miles. No issue with charging on the first leg as it was on I-5; however, the 2nd leg had me a little nervous because there was only one Electrify America along the route that I took. All in all, although I charged three times, I only needed to charge twice to get to Reno. 2nd Leg Route => From Grants Pass to Reno - I-5 S, CA 89, CA 36, US 385 S, and I-580 S.
Sounds like a nice trip. But with the mountains in the area, I can understand the range anxiety. I -5 is a path Im not fond of given the heavy truck traffic. Ive seen 2 Lucids around Olympia - both at Walmart where there is an EA charging station that generally works. One was just passing through. Coffee is always a good idea.
Taking a break at a campsite during the second leg…
If you charge in Sutherland, OR or it’s close to meal time, I can recommend Wailani shave ice and island grinds (2 blocks South of EA station). Outdoor tables only so dog friendly but exposed to wind. I walked there while charging.
On Monday, we completed our last two legs of our trip totaling 1600 miles taking a different route on our return.

3rd Leg: Reno to Medford OR via I-80, CA 65, CA 70, CA 99, I-5; Charged once for 35 minutes; 384 miles and approximately 8 hours including breaks.

4th and Final Leg: Medford, OR via I-5; Charged twice, 40 & 35 minutes; 405 miles and approximately 8.5 hours.

Trip Summary and Grade: B+: We took the opportunity to drive to Reno to attend a wedding giving us the opportunity to see how the Air would perform on a road trip. I graded the Air’s performance based the areas below.
  • Charging: B: Except for one time, connection to the Electrify America charging stations went flawlessly; Using the navigation system, the precondition started automatically every time. Although I never achieved the full 20-minute charge (350KW), I did get up to 231KW after connecting with an average charge time of 35 – 40 minutes.
  • Dream Drive: C+
  • Highway Assist: D: Air does not adequately recognize that my hand is on the steering wheel; it continues to give warning that causing me to do more work than just steering myself. I strongly believe that this new update is the cause of the problem (2.1.7) “•Manual Lane Biasing temporarily allows a driver to manually adjust the vehicle's position within a lane while Highway Assist is still engaged and actively controlling the vehicle. (Note: The driver may still override HWA by applying sufficient steering force to overcome HWA steering control of the vehicle.).” Additionally, unless the road is straight, it does not hold the position is the lane.
  • Adaptive Cruise: A
  • Toggle Mileage Up or Down: C: Attempting to increase or decrease the speed using the toggle is very difficult to use; while holding up or down, it is too hard to get it to your target speed unless you just toggle quickly one mile at a time. Recommend that it is reprogrammed to move one mile or no more five miles at a time when holding in one direction, i.e., to increase speed by 10 miles would pressing up and hold two time.
  • Navigation: A-: Worked well and provided great waypoints to recharge; wished that it would give more route options… Be advised, the charging waypoints are not necessarily Electrify America Charging points as I found out.
  • Mileage: A: Appeared to achieve about 90-95 percent of the mileage.
  • Accessories: A: Used the accessories including the massager without significant energy degradation issues.
  • Load: A: 3 pax, 6 pieces of luggage including three medium sized suitcases, case of water, 12 pack of beer, small ice chest, etc. without significant energy degradation issues.
Note: Reference the Trip Summary and Grade: Highway Assist, Adaptive Cruise & Toggle Mileage Up or Down are subcategories of Dream Drive... for some reason, it did not cut and paste as intended...