Received Email for Order Confirmation


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Verified Owner
Feb 11, 2022
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Volvo XC 90 T8
Confirmed order last night. Now the waiting game some more :)
Getting closer
What’s the price when you confirm the order? Received the order confirmation email yesterday as well but did not confirm right away. When I check the order today, I think they quietly increase the price a little bit from 189k to 191k without any notice(unlike the 10% increase after June 1st)
What’s the price when you confirm the order? Received the order confirmation email yesterday as well but did not confirm right away. When I check the order today, I think they quietly increase the price a little bit from 189k to 191k without any notice(unlike the 10% increase after June 1st)
Well, I got an email from Lucid that they were increasing the GT to 210,000 CDN. So the price increase was only a bunch of things like delivery fees etc.

Original Price : 189,000
Air Conditioning Fee : 100
Destination Fee : 2,000
Documentation Fee : 200
Other Fees : 50
Deposit : -1,300
Total : 190,050

Pretty much like any other car manufacturer (I did not see Tire Tax on it though). Or... like my electric bill (I like that "Other Fees" line item).
Congrats @YouAintTheHost. I confirmed my GT-P order on May 4th.

The advisor told me that I shouldn’t expect a delay in the Performance trim and it may even come sooner (even though the news articles are saying August for GT-P in Canada).
That is awesome. Looks like starwars day was good to everyone. May the fourth be with us.
Well, I got an email from Lucid that they were increasing the GT to 210,000 CDN. So the price increase was only a bunch of things like delivery fees etc.

Original Price : 189,000
Air Conditioning Fee : 100
Destination Fee : 2,000
Documentation Fee : 200
Other Fees : 50
Deposit : -1,300
Total : 190,050

Pretty much like any other car manufacturer (I did not see Tire Tax on it though). Or... like my electric bill (I like that "Other Fees" line item).
Congrats! Lol what’s the 50$ in ‘other fees’?
Congrats! Lol what’s the 50$ in ‘other fees’?
Hah... I have no idea... that is what it states on the invoice!

I will also face Tire tax, and OMVIC (in Alberta). This will total around another $35. My only concern at this point is delivery since I am NO WHERE near the Lucid store in Vancouver (in another province). Once I get the VIN, I can get my insurance in order as well. Will keep everyone posted about all costs.
Hah... I have no idea... that is what it states on the invoice!

I will also face Tire tax, and OMVIC (in Alberta). This will total around another $35. My only concern at this point is delivery since I am NO WHERE near the Lucid store in Vancouver (in another province). Once I get the VIN, I can get my insurance in order as well. Will keep everyone posted about all costs.
Awesome man - I’m also from Alberta! Now living in San Diego but going to be moving to Vancouver soon. Yeah hopefully the mobile service is set up similarly efficiently in Canada as it is here and hopefully you won’t need to use the actual service center very much or at all. So far, my GT has only required 1 mobile service visit for a minor issue with the windshield wipers.
Hey I'm living in SD as well. They told me they're looking to set up a service center here too. Does anyone know how soon it will happen? Also do you have to pay to ship your car to a service center if one isn't nearby? Or does lucid cover it if it's not your fault? Thanks!
Hey I'm living in SD as well. They told me they're looking to set up a service center here too. Does anyone know how soon it will happen? Also do you have to pay to ship your car to a service center if one isn't nearby? Or does lucid cover it if it's not your fault? Thanks!
Hah... I will let you know once I find out. However, my understanding is that Lucid will have mobile centers all over the place. I am hoping service will come to my home to do whatever needs to be done (covering warranty work).

As for cutting over to winter tires... I will likely rely on CostCo for that when the time comes... as long as they have an EV tire rated for snow and ice that will take the LUCID weight.