Rear door sunshade rattle


Sep 30, 2022
Reaction score
Heber City, UT
I’ve noticed a rattle when the rear fort sunshades are up. The slightest vibration through the suspension at virtually any speed causes the top of the sunshade to tap lightly against the window. For me, the driver side is way more pronounced than the passenger side but both have it.

It appears that there is a spring that sets tension of the shade against the window but that is not fixable by user or service team. I’m getting new rear sunshades installed and hopefully that will solve.

Frankly would not have noticed if either (1) my radio worked more easily, or (2) their default position was down not up. I find that for short (under 10 minutes) drives, it is not worth the effort to try get the sound system working — that is to figure out how to turn on tidal and/or connect to my iPhone or Roadie BT. Driving in silence (something I have never done before this car) is what focuses me on it.

Wondering whether others have noticed a similar rattle.
Perhaps some felt at the area that taps?
I’ve got noise in the back of my car that comes and goes. It’s either the shades or something in the door. I’ve informed Lucid, along with steering wheel rattle so hopefully can get them to both occur when we do a drive with the tech.

I don’t care is a panel gap is slightly bigger than it should be but what I can’t deal with is annoying rattling in the car when driving! 😂
My rear window shades definitely make noise in the up position. When stored I don't hear anything. Let us know if they fix your problem.
@ejktouring, my car had to be shipped back to Arizona to recalibrate the cameras and while it is there they are going to fix/replace the misaligned windshield. The local service team replaced the faulty camera and driver side rear sunshade before it was shipped back but I did not have a chance to drive. I’ll report back when I next drive it. Will get it back in early December but might not drive it again until May 2023 because I do not have winter tires (I stupidly have 21 inch rims) and have not yet decided whether I want to sink the money for a 19 inch wheel set that could accommodate winter tires.
@ejktouring, my car had to be shipped back to Arizona to recalibrate the cameras and while it is there they are going to fix/replace the misaligned windshield. The local service team replaced the faulty camera and driver side rear sunshade before it was shipped back but I did not have a chance to drive. I’ll report back when I next drive it. Will get it back in early December but might not drive it again until May 2023 because I do not have winter tires (I stupidly have 21 inch rims) and have not yet decided whether I want to sink the money for a 19 inch wheel set that could accommodate winter tires.
"my car had to be shipped back to Arizona to recalibrate the cameras ?"
how did you find this out i have a wrong measurement on right side of the car by 4 inch's or so

also windshield left side weather striping is offset in A pillar was this also you issue r more radical thanks
Zero "noise" issues with the car approaching first year of ownership. I wonder if I just got lucky, or the majority of cars are "noise" free.
My rear door shade issue is now gone. I lowered and raised them a few times making sure they fully extended and now don't have anymore noise from them. However, the rear deck area behind the rear seats definitely rattles at times. Not terrible but a bit annoying.
This is my first post and I'm sorry to hear about your sunshade woes - that sounds really annoying.
This is the best car I've ever owned so don't mind a few minor issues. My Maserati is getting little use these days.
I almost never have any passengers in the rear seat so I just leave the window shades in the "up" position all the time. I haven't noticed any noise or rattles from them.
I know this response is a little delayed, but I wanted to chime in for others who might come across this thread.