Power Outage Bay Area

Hope you upped to 100% SOC in anticipation!
I figured 74% would be plenty. Now wishing I'd charged to at least 80%. We're in bed reading with the help of a rechargeable work light.
In this situation, it's great to have the V2V cable. I can recharge my wife's EV in our garage overnight and deal with public charging the Air myself.
My Powerwalls are primed and ready to go just in case, but agree, being able to use the combined 227 kWh (Lucid + Rivian) sitting in my garage would be better
Anyone try to use the 2kw outlet in ioniq 5 and using lucid rangeXchange at the same time from Lucid to charge ioniq 5?
Sitting here in a cold dark house in the Bay Area, again, I am disappointed that Lucid has not delivered bi-directional power. And I’ve heard nothing about their plans to fulfill this feature. Don’t know whether it is a technical challenge, a resource/priority challenge or a regulatory challenge with utilities (such as our large and consistently underperforming utility, PG&E). All I can say is that bidirectional capability was a motivator for us to become early adopters of (and pay a high price for) an otherwise mostly splendid car.
Sitting here in a cold dark house in the Bay Area, again, I am disappointed that Lucid has not delivered bi-directional power. And I’ve heard nothing about their plans to fulfill this feature. Don’t know whether it is a technical challenge, a resource/priority challenge or a regulatory challenge with utilities (such as our large and consistently underperforming utility, PG&E). All I can say is that bidirectional capability was a motivator for us to become early adopters of (and pay a high price for) an otherwise mostly splendid car.
I do not believe it is a regulatory challenge. PG&E has been running a pilot program open to EV's with bi-directional capabilities for a few months now. So far the only vehicles I'm aware that are participating are the F150 Lightening trucks because they are the only ones with the fully developed capability. Not sure what the problem is for Lucid. When my LCHCS was installed (3/22) by the local outfit that was working directly with Lucid to help develop the LCHCS, their electrician (and the owner) both told me it was ready for bi-directional but would need specific software and some additional external hardware to function properly. Some have conjectured Lucid just has limited resources in software and is dedicating those employees to other "higher" priority items. Maybe so but for me V2H is my current highest priority I'm waiting for.
And by the way, my power did come back on around 1:30 this morning. So only without power for around 11 hours!! Would have been perfect for V2H.
Sitting here in a cold dark house in the Bay Area, again, I am disappointed that Lucid has not delivered bi-directional power. And I’ve heard nothing about their plans to fulfill this feature. Don’t know whether it is a technical challenge, a resource/priority challenge or a regulatory challenge with utilities (such as our large and consistently underperforming utility, PG&E). All I can say is that bidirectional capability was a motivator for us to become early adopters of (and pay a high price for) an otherwise mostly splendid car.
That was one of the factors I weighed when I ordered mine as well. After delivery I read the tea leaves and installed Powerwalls, which came in handy last night. I don’t think we are going to see bi-directional charging for quite a while.
That was one of the factors I weighed when I ordered mine as well. After delivery I read the tea leaves and installed Powerwalls, which came in handy last night. I don’t think we are going to see bi-directional charging for quite a while.
Well I hope you are wrong. Its been over two years since it first was promised as "coming soon". I have to believe some people are working on it and there are just some snags they have to work out. If nobody is working on it then they should remove it as a future feature from the website.
Well I hope you are wrong. It’s been over two years since it first was promised as "coming soon". I have to believe some people are working on it and there are just some snags they have to work out. If nobody is working on it then they should remove it as a future feature from the website.
I also hope I am wrong. Living in our neck of the woods, having an alternative power source is a must. I also agree that if it’s not “coming soon”, they should put an estimated timeframe or just remove it all together. “Coming soon” loses its excitement after 2 years.
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I do wonder if the switch to the NACS plug is part of the hold up. They'd have to completely redo everything between the J1772 plug and the NACS plug, right? Or would it be simple plug and play (pun intended)?
Its been two years!! The supposed changeover to the Tesla NACS plug is a fairly recent development. The "Problem" has to be something more than that I think.
I'm also giving up and starting to get quotes for installing more PV and ~30kWh of backup / load shifting batteries. It'll probably cost about the same as a decent car.
The possibility of V2H was an important reason I could justify buying the Air.