Will you be traveling alone? One thing to watch out for... Lucid navigation lets you do all kinds of things while the car is moving, so it's easy to get distracted. Playing with the app on the fly is a lot safer when you have someone with you to enter changes. Otherwise, try to do it when stopped.
With regard to possibly adding a proposed third EA stop along the route... I like to put that proposed third EA stop on a phone app, so I have a reminder of where it is. As I am around 20 miles from it, I take note of what Lucid Navigation says is the distance to its next planned stop, and the remaining range estimate at that stop. Say for the sake of argument that the next stop is 125 miles away, with an estimated 40 miles remaining. That would be too tight for me, so I would follow my phone app to the EA stop just down the road. Remember that, in such a case, you will have to manually start preconditioning the battery. When you do make that stop, the Lucid app will likely change your remaining EA stops, so bear that in mind.
My hints for a happier trip with less range anxiety. Whenever possible, try to avoid having to charge past an 80% SOC. EA slows down SO much by then that you don't want to do it unless you have to. Similarly, try to arrive at a charger with no less than a 20% SOC. Also, try to plan EA stops along the more rural parts of the route. Stops in metro areas are far more likely to be crowded, while the ones just off the highway in a rural area almost always have multiple empty spots. Bear in mind that, overall, you'll likely find that three stops adding 50% at each will take less total time than two stops adding 75% at each.
Hope this helps...