Minivans are ugly and SUVs are ugly and stupid when used as cars, as most are.
I would like to see a new vehicle advertisement that shows real-world how it looks sitting in traffic on the Schuylkill Expressway on a Sunday when the Eagles have a game. Advertisers always show an empty road in a beautiful place. Nope...I need a vehicle that can creep along in heavy traffic for hours, bouncing into potholes and tramlining along the cracks.
A mom did exactly that at the pre-school near me. It was her own kid she backed over. She had one of the largest SUVs GM makes.
Ironically, she doesn't have the visibility she thought, other than for the horrific looks on the faces of the teachers and parents
I take my Air to the home center often. I have the optional cargo box for the inside when I need a load of mulch or fertilizer or a large selection of shrubbery:
View attachment 25999
View attachment 26000NI!
So fitting a 4' x 8' something is a good euphemism for "Does it fit all my kid's stuff when they move and want me to store their crap in my basement, again?" I once put ten 8' tables inside the Volvo wagon and drove them to the school. Tailgate shut. Another time I went to Sears and bought a snow-thrower. When I pulled up to the loading dock they thought I was going to put it on the roof (two-stage 24" still in the shipping box). I folded the seats and loaded it myself, then shut the tailgate. They were gobsmacked. Volvo wagons are bigger on the inside ... some kind of weird Viking physics thing. So yeah, I'm looking for an EV wagon...the Gravity, if it's as low as it looks, may be my ticket.
View attachment 26001 road bike fit's inside the Air.
also a complete set of 21"s
View attachment 26002 local Lucid owner believed the sidewall bubble myth and sold me this set about half price. I loaded then in the Air and drove home with a big smile. Had them two years now. No worries. Fantastic ride. I love them. Can't hardly wait for summer.
Why is the tire information a secret? Does anyone know what tire options it offers? Any high-profile A/S or winter options, or are they all low-profile smooth road California tires?
I can't believe I'm on the Gravity page. I'm even thinking I should put a deposit down ... on a SUV. Hell is freezing over.