Out of Spec Bought a Lucid

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I was glad to see that he'd made the interesting choice rather than buying another Tesla. YOLO.
Wow, he got a great deal! Now I'm second-guessing my Touring order (again ...)
Wow, he got a great deal! Now I'm second-guessing my Touring order (again ...)
Don't second guess...I got the same car as you but with the 20" wheels. It's a beauty and rear seat leg room is better on touring and there is more than enough range and speed. I think the touring is the ideal mix of price/range/speed/rear seat comfort!
In the video he mentions the owner has several repairs done and 4 service visits. I would imagine it’s only 4 max repairs in the 800 miles. He also mentions he got free super charging although I asked Lucid in writing whether service transfers. So didn’t quite understand how he got the free super charge unless old owner just signed over his Lucid account.
Don't second guess...I got the same car as you but with the 20" wheels. It's a beauty and rear seat leg room is better on touring and there is more than enough range and speed. I think the touring is the ideal mix of price/range/speed/rear seat comfort!

I have to admit it does sting a bit knowing he paid the same price for an essentially brand new AGT that I paid for my AT. But I am a bit picky about the color and wheel options so there's no guarantee I'd find my preferred options for a similar price anytime soon. I agree the AT is the best value buying directly from Lucid, but if I had to have the AGT I'd definitely find a used one. But what's done is done and once I bring my car home I'm sure I'll get over it quickly!
I haven't gotten a chance to see on my Air but it's super cool..
Kyle and his dad is reviewing the car :)

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Lucid Air headlight testing. Pretty incredible lights! <a href="https://t.co/NeFtWrZJaG">pic.twitter.com/NeFtWrZJaG</a></p>&mdash; Kyle Conner (@itskyleconner) <a href=" ">March 21, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I was glad to see that he'd made the interesting choice rather than buying another Tesla. YOLO.
He actually just bought another most basic brand new M3 two weeks ago to enjoy tax incentives alongside with Tesla price drop. A month ago he sold his MS to CarMax. Now bought a great deal AGT. Dave us just a great bargain hunter!

Yeah I would be weary something doesn’t add up they also had a few service issues wouldn’t surprise me if it’s damaged so way
Like frequent DC fast charging the battery from 0 to 100 % cannot be good for that battery's health. A years worth of hard driving in like 8 wks on any car not ideal either.
Yeah I would be weary something doesn’t add up they also had a few service issues wouldn’t surprise me if it’s damaged so way

The ACTUAL service issues on Out of Sorts Dave's car, from the previous owner, were VERY minor. He did a YT on it. (Of course he did - he loves to talk about anything, everywhere) About 3/4s were cosmetic. Toggles on the steering wheel, vent knobs. That does not bother me on a NEW model. Nothing that gave me pause. Its OTL Dave's ownership that give you pause.
Like frequent DC fast charging the battery from 0 to 100 % cannot be good for that battery's health. A years worth of hard driving in like 8 wks on any car not ideal either.
Watch his YTs and it proves your point.

OTL Dave and son beat the crap out of it, driving cross country, up and down the coast. THAT IS WHAT THEY DO. ITS THEIR BUSINESS. TO GENERATE YT VIEWS. They took videos of the poor car enroute and the poor car was always filled with trash. Disgusting. Who does a YT vid of an expensive luxury car and does not bother to take TWO FREAKING MINUTES to put the trash in a bag? That SAYS all I want to know about OUT OF HIS MIND DAVE. As we say in Virginia, why be surprised when your pig only oinks.

I drank OOTW Dave's Kool-Aid before. No more. I thought he was a car enthusiast. Nah, just in it for the views and $$.
I'm keeping my mouth such and just grabbing the popcorn as I read this thread! 😅😅
Not a Lawyer but wondering if the mistreatment of that car compromises the warranty?
Simple answer: Yes, all cars come with LIMITED WARRANTIES. Lots of questions: what is the intended use? What is misuse of that product? Is the issue a FAILURE of the part or just WORN OUT? Did the manufacturer know the item would be subject to that use? I am not a warranty expert. But warranties get denied all the time due to substantial misuse. AND lets not forget, normal wear and tear.
  • The product failure is due to misuse or lack of proper maintenance
Not a Lawyer but wondering if the mistreatment of that car compromises the warranty?
Nah I off roaded one and I still see them using the warranty also it’s a car that been in Turo for last year. So it probably is Lucid with most miles on earth!!
those wheels are out of spec. wonder if the tires are as well ??
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