October OTA Updates

This all sounds great. But can anyone tell me whether the underlying software platform has been moved from Android Auto to something more stable? I. e., will my screens quit freezing and blacking out now?
I don’t think anyone can be remote install from mobile app as it has to bring fob to the car to install. I’m still away from home. Is that a correct assumption?
This all sounds great. But can anyone tell me whether the underlying software platform has been moved from Android Auto to something more stable? I. e., will my screens quit freezing and blacking out now?
The underlying software platform wasn’t the problem. It’s how Lucid built on top of it that was the main issue.
I don’t think anyone can be remote install from mobile app as it has to bring fob to the car to install. I’m still away from home. Is that a correct assumption?
I put the fobs in the car, shut the door and started it from the app.
This all sounds great. But can anyone tell me whether the underlying software platform has been moved from Android Auto to something more stable? I. e., will my screens quit freezing and blacking out now?
On your car, an exorcism may be more appropriate than a software upgrade. I don't think anyone knows if V2 will solve your screen issues. But, I don't think AA was causing the instability. It was how AA was being run under a VM. According to other posts, AA is now being run natively which should improve responsiveness and stability over perhaps a suboptimal VM setup.
Thank you thank you thank you Team Lucid! Already so much better! Across the board the frame rates and latency is vastly improved! The new nav position is great, instructions to the local EA station at the mall was spot on, and the one time I was out of cell range, tidal came back on its own without having to mash the play button or restart the app. Most important, the UI feels confident. V1 was hesitant. This is a good foundation going forward.
I don’t think anyone can be remote install from mobile app as it has to bring fob to the car to install. I’m still away from home. Is that a correct assumption?
According to posts by @Firstto520 and @hydbob it isn't necessary to have the fob(s) in the car. The can be updated separate from the Car.
Can someone expound on the key fob in car necessity when updating? That is one aspect I am not entirely clear on. Thank you in advance.
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Can someone expound on the key fob in car necessity when updating? That is one aspect of this I am not entirely clear on. Thank you in advance.
@Firstto520 says it’s not necessary for the update to work. Sounds like the fobs are having their firmware updated for battery life improvement. I suspect (and someone correct me if I’m wrong) there will be a tool or app to push updates onto the fobs, or it will happen automagically in the background when the fobs are in range.
Can someone expound on the key fob in car necessity when updating? That is one aspect of this I am not entirely clear on. Thank you in advance.
The key fob programming is being updated so it goes to sleep when not being used to preserve battery life in the fob. The fob has no internet connectivity so it needs an intermediary to perform the update - that is the car. You need to place the fob in the car to ensure probably) bluetooth connectivity between the car and fob. I don't know if positional sensitivity is such that the car and fob know the fob is in the car and it's a requirement for the car to update the fob.
This update rocks so far. The screens for the cameras when turning are so much faster, the 360 camera doesn't lag anymore, switching color themes is instant response on all screens. I'll be testing the headlight the things and whatever driving enhancements later
The key fob programming is being updated so it goes to sleep when not being used to preserve battery life in the fob. The fob has no internet connectivity so it needs an intermediary to perform the update - that is the car. You need to place the fob in the car to ensure probably) bluetooth connectivity between the car and fob. I don't know if positional sensitivity is such that the car and fob know the fob is in the car and it's a requirement for the car to update the fob.
Nice, no more phantom drain to car and fob in this aspect.
Thank you thank you thank you Team Lucid! Already so much better! Across the board the frame rates and latency is vastly improved! The new nav position is great, instructions to the local EA station at the mall was spot on, and the one time I was out of cell range, tidal came back on its own without having to mash the play button or restart the app. Most important, the UI feels confident. V1 was hesitant. This is a good foundation going forward.
This update really transforms the car. After letting the car sleep for 15 minutes, less than 5 seconds from walking into the garage to screens fully booted up and ready to drive. Park distance indicators fast and accurate. Switching profiles still takes about 20 seconds by much much better than before. The layout of the navigation is very well done. I am impressed!

It is pouring rain here right now and the Scottsdale Service Center detailed my car on Thursday when I picked it up so I am not going to drive it until tomorrow.

A big thank you to the Lucid team!
Thanks for fob explanations, makes sense.