October OTA Updates

DM sent
DM Sent. Thanks for the update and am looking forward to experiencing the improvements for myself.
Thanks Len: DM sent and appreciate the opportunity.
DM sent, really hope to see it “soon”. :)
Greetings Lucid Owners, future owners, and fans. First and foremost, we appreciate you all very much. Thank you for being a part of our mission to help realize a sustainable tomorrow.

As you’ve likely seen by now, we have a significant software update coming. If you’ve been following the Software 2.0 thread, you already have a sense of the magnitude of the updates. I’ve been driving with it myself for the past couple of weeks and can tell you it’s nothing short of amazing.

There are a series of updates that make up the entire package and we expect to begin deploying them to the fleet over the next couple of weeks. But given the passion and energy we see in this forum each and every day, we thought it’d be best to give you all a chance to be in the first wave which is expected to ship late this week.

If you want to be the first on your block to receive this round of OTA updates, drop me a DM with your name, email, and VIN. DO NOT POST THAT INFORMATION IN THIS THREAD. I will collect all of the information over the next day or two and use that to help inform the first deployment. I will need to cap this at 100 or so just to keep things manageable.

As I’ve mentioned before, we are present and always listening in the forums. Your feedback and passion give us tremendous energy and helps remind us why the work we are doing is so very important. Thank you for that.

Cheers to you,
Len & Team Lucid
DM Sent Thanks Len!!
Message for you sir.gif
I see there are a lot of us that are interested in helping Lucid vet their pending updates. @Firstto520, what is the best way for us to share feedback and bug reports? Are there any constraints you would like us to place on them? F.e. suggesting "add sentry mode" is useful as a long term suggestion, but "this button you moved from position X to Y makes it hard to find now" is more useful in the short term. What sort of feedback would you like, and how should we share it?

For the broader audience: it's very difficult for any software company to figure out a good way to communicate release schedules and low level feature roadmaps. Lucid hasn't got it right yet, and that's fine IMO. Many companies that have been doing this for years still don't do a good job. I really appreciate that they are trying though.

For some context on why it's so hard, think about what would happen if we were told 2.0 is expected to start fleet-wide deployment next Monday (I am making this date up for a hypothetical). They don't start rolling it out, and everyone asks why. So it's a PR mess to deal with. OTOH, if they hadn't told us a date and it starts rolling out, they get complaints that no one knew to expect it. They really can't win easily. Similarly, if they say something specific will be in the release but then that feature doesn't pass QA and gets yanked, everyone will complain about missing expectations or whatever.

It's really hard for a software company to get in a position where some vocal part of the community won't complain about it no matter what happens. The simplest thing for them to do is just follow an agile release process, release at regular intervals, include whatever is ready, etc. This is how most of the industry works. It's fairly rare now to get specific dates and expected feature lists ahead of time. It puts too much pressure to release it even if QA fails.
DM finally sent this evening. I didn’t see this thread because we were too busy tooling around rural Maine leaf peeping in our Lucid. Lesson learned: Never drive your Lucid lest you miss something in this forum.

Thanks for the topic Len, DM sent.
Greetings Lucid Owners, future owners, and fans. First and foremost, we appreciate you all very much. Thank you for being a part of our mission to help realize a sustainable tomorrow.

As you’ve likely seen by now, we have a significant software update coming. If you’ve been following the Software 2.0 thread, you already have a sense of the magnitude of the updates. I’ve been driving with it myself for the past couple of weeks and can tell you it’s nothing short of amazing.

There are a series of updates that make up the entire package and we expect to begin deploying them to the fleet over the next couple of weeks. But given the passion and energy we see in this forum each and every day, we thought it’d be best to give you all a chance to be in the first wave which is expected to ship late this week.

If you want to be the first on your block to receive this round of OTA updates, drop me a DM with your name, email, and VIN. DO NOT POST THAT INFORMATION IN THIS THREAD. I will collect all of the information over the next day or two and use that to help inform the first deployment. I will need to cap this at 100 or so just to keep things manageable.

As I’ve mentioned before, we are present and always listening in the forums. Your feedback and passion give us tremendous energy and helps remind us why the work we are doing is so very important. Thank you for that.

Cheers to you,
Len & Team Lucid
DM sent. Hopefully not too late...
Is there any update on this, @Firstto520 ? I was wondering whether there still are plans to send out this first wave of software 2.0 this week, and if so, which day? Thanks.