Next big OTA update?


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Dec 12, 2023
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Lucid touring
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Since every update we get feels like a gift, it's natural for excitement to build around the anticipation of new features. Looking back at OTA updates (thank you for your tireless efforts @Bobby ) it looks like big updates have been pushed in the first two weeks of February in the past 3 years- Feb 6, 2024, Feb 17, 2023; and Feb 2, 2022. Hopefully we have a great Groundhog day this year!
Since every update we get feels like a gift, it's natural for excitement to build around the anticipation of new features. Looking back at OTA updates (thank you for your tireless efforts @Bobby ) it looks like big updates have been pushed in the first two weeks of February in the past 3 years- Feb 6, 2024, Feb 17, 2023; and Feb 2, 2022. Hopefully we have a great Groundhog day this year!
does the gravity DDP have features not yet available to Air owners?
does the gravity DDP have features not yet available to Air owners?
Not as far as anyone knows. From what I’ve gathered talking to various Lucid folks, the plan is for Air and Gravity to have the same DDP features moving forward. The equipment in the Air is capable of everything they are currently planning on building. At least for the next several years.

There’s a ton of unlocked potential in the Air.