New "Weirdness" with 2.6.2 - Random audio announcements in German


Oct 4, 2024
Reaction score
Nashua, NH
2025 AGT, Volvo S60 Rech
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Since the 2.6.2 update, my 2025 AGT has suddenly started randomly making audio announcements of some kind in German.
I don't speak German - no idea what is being said but I'm very sure it's German.

Happens whether I'm in NAV or not - and I have NAV audio off.
No real pattern. Happened twice in 3 driving hours yesterday.

Not connected to Carplay or streaming audio. No German set up as a language on my iPhone.
German isn't an available language in settings.

I called Lucid service - who agreed it was weird and that they'd pass it along...

Anyone else getting heckled in a foreign language?
That's a new one. Do you have "Hey Lucid" voice activation enabled by any chance in the car's settings?
did you do a hard reset? sounds like some cached audio that's just happened to be fed into the audio stream? did you try to disconnect your phone BT in case it's coming from your phone for some unexplained reason?
That's a new one. Do you have "Hey Lucid" voice activation enabled by any chance in the car's settings?
I do have Hey Lucid on - and that works just fine - or as fine as its limited functionality and language model works. Navigation (Take me to...) is spotty - often have to ask twice. Using it to change car settings doesn't seem to work...
did you do a hard reset? sounds like some cached audio that's just happened to be fed into the audio stream? did you try to disconnect your phone BT in case it's coming from your phone for some unexplained reason?
I did both reboots. No change. It's not my phone - nothing on it is in german and it happens when my phone is not connected.
I do have Hey Lucid on - and that works just fine - or as fine as its limited functionality and language model works. Navigation (Take me to...) is spotty - often have to ask twice. Using it to change car settings doesn't seem to work...
Just wondering if voice activation (as opposed to button activation, with the microphone button on the steering wheel) is enabled because my only guess is that the car thinks it's hearing you say "Hey Lucid, [... something utterly nonsensical that somehow translates to 'speak to me in German please']"
Just wondering if voice activation (as opposed to button activation, with the microphone button on the steering wheel) is enabled because my only guess is that the car thinks it's hearing you say "Hey Lucid, [... something utterly nonsensical that somehow translates to 'speak to me in German please']"
Pretty sure that's not the case. If I say "Hey Lucid" or push the steering wheel button, I consistently get the little window at the bottom of the pilot panel and "listening".
Pretty sure that's not the case. If I say "Hey Lucid" or push the steering wheel button, I consistently get the little window at the bottom of the pilot panel and "listening".
Can you take a video of the car yelling at you in German? I promise I’m asking only partially for the comedic benefit, but also because I want to figure out what’s happening haha
I'm so curious what your car is saying to you, please post a clip!
Can you take a video of the car yelling at you in German? I promise I’m asking only partially for the comedic benefit, but also because I want to figure out what’s happening haha
It happens randomly. I can try to just record full time to capture...