Mobile Key After 2.2.10 Update


Verified Owner
Mar 18, 2023
Reaction score
Maine, Massachusetts
Lucid Air Touring
I had to re-enter my mobile key (iPhone 13) after the update. Now I have two Bluetooth connections: one that works with Apple CarPlay, and the other to open the car when I get near.
It seems to work OK, but not as well as before the update. Any thoughts?
iPhone always had two connections. It's not just after this update. I have not noticed anything different in particular.
The lock/unlock upon approach is still very finicky.
I feel like when the car goes into sleep mode, it does not poll for a bluetooth signal fast enough to check for the mobile key (probably does it every 10s or so??). If they could increase the frequency to every 1s, I think that should be okay without having too much of an adverse affect on charge.
I had to re-enter my mobile key (iPhone 13) after the update. Now I have two Bluetooth connections: one that works with Apple CarPlay, and the other to open the car when I get near.
It seems to work OK, but not as well as before the update. Any thoughts?
This isn’t new. The “Lucid Air XXX” is your Bluetooth media connection. The “Lucid-YYYYY” is your mobile key Bluetooth connection.
I had to re-enter my mobile key (iPhone 13) after the update. Now I have two Bluetooth connections: one that works with Apple CarPlay, and the other to open the car when I get near.
It seems to work OK, but not as well as before the update. Any thoughts?
There’s always been two.
FWIW. There are also 2 on Android (Pixel 8 Pro), and both must be listed and working for everything to work properly. As explained slightly differently above, one is for mobile key, the other for infotainment (this is how Customer Service explained it to me, and I've been walked through the unpairing reprocess by them probably 4 times now, each time getting told something quirkily different about the sequence it should be done in in order to get mobile key to work properly (which it still doesn't even though they insist it should).

When I first grasped that a Lucid requires 2 separate Bluetooth pairings, I was quite surprised as I have never seen any other Bluetooth device require that, although this is, after all, an entire car, not just a BT speaker or set of earbuds.

I still thought it quite odd and unique - something that I feel like nobody would expect (and that every Lucid owner should be carefully and emphatically told during orientation), so I asked around; so far I haven't found any other device (or car with mobile key) that requires this, and concluded - until I learn otherwise - that it's unique to Lucid.

Considering the extent of difficulties just about everyone has with mobile key - and how often Customer Service walks people through unpairing and repairing of both, I can't help but question whether this approach is really necessary. I feel like things would work better if it wasn't like that; it certainly would be easier to unpair and repair when things go haywire if there was only one pairing to begin with.