Maximum charge rate from 350kW station


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Jan 3, 2022
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Houston, TX
Dream Edition Performance
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What is the maximum charge rate that you have seen?
So you are supposed to stand there in either the hot sun or freezing rain and hold the connector up manually the whole time the car is charging?
It's just for the few seconds that the charger shows "initializing". The uppermost pins on EA's CCS connector don't always connect with the weight of the cable pulling the connector body down. See the 1-minute video. This is absolutely necessary to do on my Volvo EV to achieve better than a 50% success rate.
It's just for the few seconds that the charger shows "initializing". The uppermost pins on EA's CCS connector don't always connect with the weight of the cable pulling the connector body down. See the 1-minute video. This is absolutely necessary to do on my Volvo EV to achieve better than a 50% success rate.
Lol I thought the “pull up slightly to initiate charge” tip was just something you found to just work. It’s a damn video from EA themselves 🤦🏻‍♂️
Lol I thought the “pull up slightly to initiate charge” tip was just something you found to just work. It’s a damn video from EA themselves 🤦🏻‍♂️
You'll see my comment on their video - that this info should be printed in bold type on every one of their chargers, not buried in a YouTube video.
There was a recent Lucid Motors tech talk (not by Peter) that was excellent explaining a lot of this
I haven’t seen a working EA 350 charger in Texas. I think they are just statues of unicorn.
I have seen and used 350 chargers in the spring. But here in Arizona when it got hot they all say "unavailable". I am wondering when the temps cool down perhaps the 350's will start working again. Who knows if this is a heat issue, strain on the grid issue or that EA 350 chargers are simply failing and will not come back to life.
I’ve gotten 275kW once. Also, have had 200kW a few times. The 150 EA are pretty consistently able to do 175kW.
I would love to see lots of 50kW chargers everywhere. Stop for shopping, coffee, lunch, dinner, rest stops…..
Why replicate the gas station model. Along interstates high power chargers, but the vast majority of miles are all close to home.

Incentivize home charging. Instead of free charging it at EA, rebates for charging at home.