This was unclear. His earlier 75% figure was specific to Gravity orders. However, when he later mentioned 50% of orders from Tesla owners it was in a more general discussion about what's happening with Tesla, and he said "50% of all of the orders that we have are from former Tesla owners" (6:40-47 in the video). I took it to mean he was referring to orders for both Airs and Gravities.
He also said orders were coming from "former" Tesla owners instead of current Tesla owners, so it was not clear whether he meant people who are coming to Lucid directly from Tesla or people who have owned a Tesla at any time in the past.
It was a bit of a shame that he did not hear the interviewer's question about horsepower as he was getting out of the car and that she did not repeat it. I think if he had said 828 horsepower (and maybe even mentioned the Dream's 1,070) that really would have blown the minds of a lot of viewers who are not acquainted with the power levels EVs can produce.