Lucid Navigation Auto-Preconditioning Question...

Buffalo Bob

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Verified Owner
Nov 23, 2023
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Arizona & Washington
Pure AWD 19" No Aeros
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It's not a big deal, but I continue to struggle with getting auto-preconditioning to work. First off, I DO have that feature toggled on. I experimented a bit on a recent trip, and wonder if others have found what I found. If I use the Lucid app to plot a fairly long route, such that it assigns charging stops along the way, and if I make no changes to those stops, then the auto-preconditioning seems to work. However, this is seldom how I like to plan my trip. If I use the same app, toggle 'on' the 'display charging stations' button, click on the charging station I want to stop at next, have the app send it to the car, and then have the navigation plot the trip to that station, it NEVER seems to recognize the end point as a charging station, and thus never initiates pre-conditioning. Is it me, or is this just unfortunately the way it is.
Your car is looking at the new destination you are sending to the car as a random address. Dont do that.

In your car, put the final destination then manually add charging station. You can zoom and move the pilot panel map and select the charger you want to add as a stop. You can add several chargers along the way. It will do auto preconditioning correctly.

Your way is not telling the car its a charger stop.
Your car is looking at the new destination you are sending to the car as a random address. Dont do that.

In your car, put the final destination then manually add charging station. You can zoom and move the pilot panel map and select the charger you want to add as a stop. You can add several chargers along the way. It will do auto preconditioning correctly.

Your way is not telling the car its a charger stop.
So, you are saying that even though I am clicking on the blue circle of an EA station on the app, and then sending that station to the car, the fact that it is a charging station somehow gets lost in the shuffle. I have not tried to do the same process on the pilot panel. Thanks!
So, you are saying that even though I am clicking on the blue circle of an EA station on the app, and then sending that station to the car, the fact that it is a charging station somehow gets lost in the shuffle. I have not tried to do the same process on the pilot panel. Thanks!

Yup. That’s a “bug,” in that it’s implemented correctly but the UX is confusing. They should rewrite it to react the same way.
Well, I just went an tried the process on the pilot panel, and it worked! The only 'gotcha' is that despite the pilot panel's bigger screen, the 'manage trip' area limits the real estate you have to seek alternate stops. Good enough, though. Thanks, all!