Lucid is Outselling all competitors in Saudi


Verified Owner
Mar 26, 2024
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Saudi, Dammam
Lucid Air GT
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This article does not specify what "all competitors" means.

Based on the fact that Saudi auto sales this year will reach almost 700,000 units and Lucid sold somewhat over 1,000 cars there, the article apparently means that Lucid is the best-selling EV in Saudi Arabia. However, Saudi Arabia is a tiny EV market compared to neighboring United Arab Emirates.

in 2023, almost 35,000 of the 261,000 cars sold in the UAE were EVs (~13%). In Saudi Arabia, about 1,500 of its 612,000 car sales were EVs (~ 0.2%).

Lucid only recently opened its first sales showroom in the UAE. It will be interesting to see how Lucid does in a Middle East market that is a lot more embracing of EVs than Saudi Arabia thus far.

I find it interesting that Saudi Arabia, with its huge oil dependence and such a nascent home EV market, is showing itself to be one of the most committed governments outside of Europe -- and maybe anywhere -- to electric vehicles. If only we could develop this foresight in this country -- a country which, ironically, is advancing EV technology faster and further than anyone else.
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