Lucid Connected Home Charging Station (LCHCS) – Software


Aug 23, 2020
Had a LCHCS installed just before Christmas. At the time, I had electrician leave the DIP switches in default positions to allow 80 amp charging.

Subsequently, I was able to access LCHCS via web browser and the unit’s IP address. At the time there was a screen in the LCHCS software that allowed setting charging amperage. Thinking I should try slow before fast, I chose 20 amp charging.

Move forward four months. Not driving the car too much, with charging most often overnight, at 20 amps. Last week, realized one morning I forgot to charge car overnight. Think the simple solution is to go to LCHCS software, and change 20 amp to 80 amp.

But the option to choose charging rate is no longer to be found in software! Query to Lucid yields stupid response: Open box and change DIP switches. Unfortunately, the front line “support” person I am dealing with, does not want to believe there was a setting for amperage available in a customer accessible website that is no longer present.

Can any of you recall having seen such an option in the LCHCS software? Does it still exist in your LCHCS? Can you advise firmware you are on? (Mine shows: Network FW 01.01.25 and Safety FW 02.14.51)


So I am happy with charger but have never been able to get it connected to my home wi Fi. I have sent screen shots and talked to customer service several times and followed their suggestions. Not sure if I should ask for another charger….I realize there have been no updates yet but ideally want vehicle to home option…..thoughts ?
how does one know if connection successful? Lucid charger show up like an app?
So I am happy with charger but have never been able to get it connected to my home wi Fi. I have sent screen shots and talked to customer service several times and followed their suggestions. Not sure if I should ask for another charger….I realize there have been no updates yet but ideally want vehicle to home option…..thoughts ?
how does one know if connection successful? Lucid charger show up like an app?
Hi, @Sheena.

Thank you for sharing. I just sent you a DM.
Interesting. Our LCHCS is connected to wifi. It is running .21 software. I cannot get the LCHCS to connect under the CLOUD tab though the LCHCS is on the wifi network and it also PINGS correctly.

Customer service told me today the software is charger specific and I don’t need to update/upgrade to .24 as long as charger is charging the car-it is.

Odd that cannot get connection under CLOUD. Anyone else having this issue?

Interesting. Our LCHCS is connected to wifi. It is running .21 software. I cannot get the LCHCS to connect under the CLOUD tab though the LCHCS is on the wifi network and it also PINGS correctly.

Customer service told me today the software is charger specific and I don’t need to update/upgrade to .24 as long as charger is charging the car-it is.

Odd that cannot get connection under CLOUD. Anyone else having this issue?

I have the same issue. The charger is not connecting to the cloud. Is it possible that the default URL in the charger to the cloud server is wrong?
Perhaps. I was told not to worry about connecting if the charger worked. It does and fast