Lucid causing Level 2 charger to fault (must reset breaker)


New Member
Jan 24, 2024
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Hi everyone, picked up my Air Pure AWD in January and am new to the forum. This forum has been useful for information so am appreciative of everyone that is on it.

So farm I'm loving the car for the most part, but am having a charging issue at home that is quite frustrating. Every time I charge at home it results in my EV Loop Charger (that's the brand) showing a "Fault Error" with a red light, rendering the charger non responsive until I head to the back of the house and reset the breaker. The issue happens after the charge session is completed, so at least I'm able to charge I suppose. Sometimes, after the charge session is completed my charge unit will still have a green light showing that it's fine, but once I actually go to unplug the charger from the Lucid, it trips and turns red showing the fault message. I've tried charging with and without scheduled charging, usually to 80%, and the results are the same. The charger has been in use for almost 3 years charging two Teslas during that time without a single issue. It was professionally installed and I always charge at 32A and it's on a 40 A breaker. Still have a Tesla that is charged with the same charger without issue, so something about the Lucid is causing it to trip.

I saw a thread dicussing a similar issue but with a Chargepoint charger, and there was no clear resolution. Anyway experience this issue? Anyone know if constantly turning the breaker off and back on will cause long term problems?

Figure I'd try here before going to Lucid about it (and my ultra micro-creaky steering wheel).

I don't think there is an issue with cycling the circuit breaker but you should not have to. It seems that there is some sort of error that occurs when the Lucid wakes back up after charging is completed. Do you have an schedule set on the Loop Charger? If, so that could create an error since the Lucid is does not play well with chargers that are scheduled. Use the schedule built into the car instead.
Interesting. I have the same problem with an older Clipper Creek charger, except the trip usually occurs within 15 minutes of starting the charge. I unplug, turn the breaker on and off, and start charging again. I've never had the problem recur during the restarted charging session. I no longer use the car's scheduled charging (and the Clipper Creek doesn't have that capability) because if the fault occurs overnight (which is when I have scheduled charging set for), I get up and find the car hasn't charged. Clipper Creek thinks the problem is internal to their charger given the error code the charger throws, but the charger is 10 years old and there's nothing that can be done about it.
The Loop charger does not have a scheduling feature, so I only use scheduled charging on the Lucid - and I've tried charging with and without scheduled charging. The only time it did not cause a fult was the very first time I charged it at home for about an hour or two, and then manually stopped the charge inside the car. But ever since then it's done it every time. I tend to agree it has something to do with the Lucid waking back up after a charge session is completed, though I have gone out just a few minutes after a charge session was completed to find my charger with a green light on, only for it to fault and turn red when I unplug the charger (so not when the car woke up as I approached it).

Good to know about cycling the circuit breaker 👍
I find this interesting. I have a Chargepoint home charger and get a similar error. Frequently (about 75% of the time), after a successful charge the red light on the side of my home charger lights up and requires that I reset the circuit breaker to turn it off. If I try to charge with the red light on, the car says something like charger connected but does nothing. Other times, after several days with nothing connected to the charger the red light will come on (in fact I charged on Tuesday this week, on Wednesday the light was on and the car was charged). I had Chargepoint send me a new unit. It was installed with the same results. It shouldn't be the car since it occurs with nothing connected, but what else could it be? I have a very strong wireless signal at the device.
I find this interesting. I have a Chargepoint home charger and get a similar error. Frequently (about 75% of the time), after a successful charge the red light on the side of my home charger lights up and requires that I reset the circuit breaker to turn it off. If I try to charge with the red light on, the car says something like charger connected but does nothing. Other times, after several days with nothing connected to the charger the red light will come on (in fact I charged on Tuesday this week, on Wednesday the light was on and the car was charged). I had Chargepoint send me a new unit. It was installed with the same results. It shouldn't be the car since it occurs with nothing connected, but what else could it be? I have a very strong wireless signal at the device.
I would maybe call an electrician to measure line noise, voltage, etc. and see if anything is inconsistent.
Hi everyone, picked up my Air Pure AWD in January and am new to the forum. This forum has been useful for information so am appreciative of everyone that is on it.

So farm I'm loving the car for the most part, but am having a charging issue at home that is quite frustrating. Every time I charge at home it results in my EV Loop Charger (that's the brand) showing a "Fault Error" with a red light, rendering the charger non responsive until I head to the back of the house and reset the breaker. The issue happens after the charge session is completed, so at least I'm able to charge I suppose. Sometimes, after the charge session is completed my charge unit will still have a green light showing that it's fine, but once I actually go to unplug the charger from the Lucid, it trips and turns red showing the fault message. I've tried charging with and without scheduled charging, usually to 80%, and the results are the same. The charger has been in use for almost 3 years charging two Teslas during that time without a single issue. It was professionally installed and I always charge at 32A and it's on a 40 A breaker. Still have a Tesla that is charged with the same charger without issue, so something about the Lucid is causing it to trip.

I saw a thread dicussing a similar issue but with a Chargepoint charger, and there was no clear resolution. Anyway experience this issue? Anyone know if constantly turning the breaker off and back on will cause long term problems?

Figure I'd try here before going to Lucid about it (and my ultra micro-creaky steering wheel).


Is your charger hardwired in? If not, will the charging cable that came with the car also trip your breaker?
Is your charger hardwired in? If not, will the charging cable that came with the car also trip your breaker?
Yup it's hardwired. I've never used the provided lucid charging cable but am taking it on its first roadie this weekend so will likely be using for the first time and will see how it goes - thanks for the suggestion.
Yup it's hardwired. I've never used the provided lucid charging cable but am taking it on its first roadie this weekend so will likely be using for the first time and will see how it goes - thanks for the suggestion.
Same for me as well. Resetting breaker once a week.
Same for me as well. Resetting breaker once a week.
Get an electrician to look at that. The breaker is tripping because something is going wrong. Resetting it and doing the same thing again over and over is only going to make whatever problem worse. This is how you melt wires and create fire hazards. If you describe your circuit (breaker amperage, charger amperage, hardwired/outlet, anything else on the circuit) maybe someone here can offer advice, but be careful just switching it back on repeatedly.
I have the same issue with a Chargepoint charger. I get a red light on the side of the charger after charging is complete. The unit then needs reset by disconnecting the power. This never occurs with my BMW X5 Hybrid.

I have searched for answers and cannot find a solution other than replace the Chargepoint charger. The Lucid car must be triggering the issue.
Chargepoint has software that can define the amps being used. Make sure your setting on chargepoint is correct. If you are running on 40 amp circuit, make sure it is at 32 amps or lower. I would try lower than 32 amps if it is triggering the red light. If you are hardwired at 50 amps, make sure it’s at 40 amp setting or lower. I would test on lower amperage to see.

I have chargepoint on 40 amp circuit with 32 amp setting and do not have the red light issue. Charges great.
I find this interesting. I have a Chargepoint home charger and get a similar error. Frequently (about 75% of the time), after a successful charge the red light on the side of my home charger lights up and requires that I reset the circuit breaker to turn it off. If I try to charge with the red light on, the car says something like charger connected but does nothing. Other times, after several days with nothing connected to the charger the red light will come on (in fact I charged on Tuesday this week, on Wednesday the light was on and the car was charged). I had Chargepoint send me a new unit. It was installed with the same results. It shouldn't be the car since it occurs with nothing connected, but what else could it be? I have a very strong wireless signal at the device.
I have had the same problem for 18 months, doesn't happen every time.
I have the same issue with a Chargepoint charger. I get a red light on the side of the charger after charging is complete. The unit then needs reset by disconnecting the power. This never occurs with my BMW X5 Hybrid.

I have searched for answers and cannot find a solution other than replace the Chargepoint charger. The Lucid car must be triggering the issue.
I also had the same issue with Chargepoint Homeflex. Even replaced unit with another one. Eventually swapped it out with Wallbox and haven’t had an issue since.
I've got the Ubiquiti charging station (which has a sexy big screen on it - kinda why I wanted it) ;), and it, too, will randomly get an unrecoverable error from the car, where I have to tell it to reboot (I don't have to kill the breaker, and can bounce it from the administration app, but the concept is the same - a hard reboot).

It got better with different software releases, but it still does occasionally happen. I assumed it was just a Ubiquiti software issue, but if you're also having (essentially) similar issues on a completely different brand of charger, then the car seems to be the common denominator.

For me, it will start charging for a few seconds, where the wattage is just trickling in (under 1kw), and it'll ramp up to 1-2kw before then tripping. When it's working normally, my setup will push around 11kw. And it is an unrecoverable error (the charger thinks it's an electrical fault (for me), which is why it needs to be rebooted (to "forget").
Some updates to share...
On thursday night, in prep for my first road trip in the Lucid, I plugged in my car around midnight and set the scheduled charging to start at 4 am as I was already close to 80% and I didn't want it to sit on a full charge for too long. When I woke up in the morning, the car didn't charge at all, and my phone showed a notification showing that a charging session had halted at 4:01 a.m. I've had this issue before with cheduled charging, btw. My charger had the dreaded red light so I had to reset the breaker before charging it as much as possible before leaving. I charged for about 90 minutes and then manually stopped the charge from inside the car at around 93% (limit set to 100%) - and this did not cause the fault error.

Over the weekend at my Airbnb, I used the Lucid mobile charger on a 110v for trickle charging twice. A user above suggested I try it and on both occasions, I stopped the charging from inside the car without any issues.

Last night, I plugged her in around midnight at 15% to begin a charge session without scheduled charging, with the limit set to 80%. This morning, before the charge session was completed, I manually stopped the charging from inside the car at 77%, and my charger did not fault.

Based on the above and prior experiences noted in earlier posts, and the fact I'm still charging a Tesla without issue regularly, it appears to me that whenever the Lucid stops the charge session - whether due to hitting the charge limit or an issue with scheduled charging - the fault is caused; whereas manually stopping an active charge session from inside the car does not. I can't remember for certain but I think stopping a charge with the phone app also causes the fault - pretty sure it did once though I'll have to test that once more to verify.

I got a "Rear Camera Failure" (though it still works) and a "Rear Emergency Braking Unavailable" error at the same time on Sunday at the end of the weekend trip that I need to report to Lucid so I'm also going to inform them of this charging issue as I do think it's the car that's causing it.
I reported this issue to Lucid a few weeks back as I started having a similar issue on my JuiceBox since December. Wouldn't trip the breaker but the unit would flash a red light which required me to unplug it and plug it back in to reset it. The issue would happen when the car woke up and I went to disconnect the plug from it but would do it randomly.

Lucid Customer Care response was "swap the charger out with the Lucid one and see it if happens" and they closed the case. I repeatedly told them that it's only been happening since December so it would lead me to believe its a bug \ software issue that needs to be looked into given how random it is but it seemed to fall on deaf ears. I didn't end up testing on the Lucid charger but the issue hasn't happened for a few weeks now either.
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Some updates to share...
On thursday night, in prep for my first road trip in the Lucid, I plugged in my car around midnight and set the scheduled charging to start at 4 am as I was already close to 80% and I didn't want it to sit on a full charge for too long. When I woke up in the morning, the car didn't charge at all, and my phone showed a notification showing that a charging session had halted at 4:01 a.m. I've had this issue before with cheduled charging, btw. My charger had the dreaded red light so I had to reset the breaker before charging it as much as possible before leaving. I charged for about 90 minutes and then manually stopped the charge from inside the car at around 93% (limit set to 100%) - and this did not cause the fault error.

Over the weekend at my Airbnb, I used the Lucid mobile charger on a 110v for trickle charging twice. A user above suggested I try it and on both occasions, I stopped the charging from inside the car without any issues.

Last night, I plugged her in around midnight at 15% to begin a charge session without scheduled charging, with the limit set to 80%. This morning, before the charge session was completed, I manually stopped the charging from inside the car at 77%, and my charger did not fault.

Based on the above and prior experiences noted in earlier posts, and the fact I'm still charging a Tesla without issue regularly, it appears to me that whenever the Lucid stops the charge session - whether due to hitting the charge limit or an issue with scheduled charging - the fault is caused; whereas manually stopping an active charge session from inside the car does not. I can't remember for certain but I think stopping a charge with the phone app also causes the fault - pretty sure it did once though I'll have to test that once more to verify.

I got a "Rear Camera Failure" (though it still works) and a "Rear Emergency Braking Unavailable" error at the same time on Sunday at the end of the weekend trip that I need to report to Lucid so I'm also going to inform them of this charging issue as I do think it's the car that's causing it.
I have a chargepoint flex and do not have the red light problem. Most of my charging is done with an 80% limit and it maxes out at night. I have not had the red light issue.

I have never used scheduled charging so maybe that is an issue. But stopping the charge by hitting the limit has never been a problem for me. Hope that helps.
Some updates to share...
On thursday night, in prep for my first road trip in the Lucid, I plugged in my car around midnight and set the scheduled charging to start at 4 am as I was already close to 80% and I didn't want it to sit on a full charge for too long. When I woke up in the morning, the car didn't charge at all, and my phone showed a notification showing that a charging session had halted at 4:01 a.m. I've had this issue before with cheduled charging, btw. My charger had the dreaded red light so I had to reset the breaker before charging it as much as possible before leaving. I charged for about 90 minutes and then manually stopped the charge from inside the car at around 93% (limit set to 100%) - and this did not cause the fault error.

Over the weekend at my Airbnb, I used the Lucid mobile charger on a 110v for trickle charging twice. A user above suggested I try it and on both occasions, I stopped the charging from inside the car without any issues.

Last night, I plugged her in around midnight at 15% to begin a charge session without scheduled charging, with the limit set to 80%. This morning, before the charge session was completed, I manually stopped the charging from inside the car at 77%, and my charger did not fault.

Based on the above and prior experiences noted in earlier posts, and the fact I'm still charging a Tesla without issue regularly, it appears to me that whenever the Lucid stops the charge session - whether due to hitting the charge limit or an issue with scheduled charging - the fault is caused; whereas manually stopping an active charge session from inside the car does not. I can't remember for certain but I think stopping a charge with the phone app also causes the fault - pretty sure it did once though I'll have to test that once more to verify.

I got a "Rear Camera Failure" (though it still works) and a "Rear Emergency Braking Unavailable" error at the same time on Sunday at the end of the weekend trip that I need to report to Lucid so I'm also going to inform them of this charging issue as I do think it's the car that's causing it.
Regarding the charger red light issue: I have two charge point units. The one in the NW will crash with red light after every charge requiring a breaker reset and the one here in Scottsdale does not. I have written it off as a charger defect. If I use the car to signal charge intention and not the app, I can sometimes avoid the red light and reset.