Lucid account apparently deleted


Active Member
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Supporting Member
Mar 7, 2022
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Dallas, TX
Touring Silver Santa Cruz
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Has anyone else had issues with their Lucid account disappearing?

I logged in two days ago successfully. Yesterday I attempted to log in as it is time for me to make payment for my delivery scheduled this week but it does not recognize my credentials. I have restarted my phone, deleted chrome, tried both chrome and safari and had a friend try on his computer. My email and password are correct. I also attempted a password reset with my email and it says it does not recognize my email as registered. It appears that my account was completely deleted in error. I’ve reached out to my DA and I’m sure they will handle it. Was wondering if anyone else has had this issue?
That happened to me shortly after I got my car. A quick call to customer service resolved it and nothing was lost.
That happened to me shortly after I got my car. A quick call to customer service resolved it and nothing was lost.
Wonderful. Thank you for letting me know. I’ll give them a call later today.
Scary stuff. Has to be some sort of glitch. Glad they can reinstate the account.
I've had similar problems. At the moment I can log in, but my order won't load.
I’ve called customer service and they have initiated an inquiry. They took it very seriously and I have had a few phone calls with them. They promise to have it resolved by the time my Touring is delivered Friday (🎉🎉🎉). I’m the interim I am wiring my payment to Lucid.
I’ve called customer service and they have initiated an inquiry. They took it very seriously and I have had a few phone calls with them. They promise to have it resolved by the time my Touring is delivered Friday (🎉🎉🎉). I’m the interim I am wiring my payment to Lucid.
... Wow! Guess we better not be late for our payment!
Still unresolved with delivery tomorrow. I guess they are still working on it. DA is very responsive and has reached out to tech who talked to me on Tuesday but no updates since. I hope they figure it out.
Still unresolved with delivery tomorrow. I guess they are still working on it. DA is very responsive and has reached out to tech who talked to me on Tuesday but no updates since. I hope they figure it out.
Did you decide to have your car brought to the Plano Studio or are you going to Houston to pick it up? Congrats BTW!