Lidar blocked in the rain


Verified Owner
Dec 11, 2022
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Does everyone still get lidar issues every time it rains? I have had my 23 lucid touring since Dec 22, and every time it rains, I still get the Lidar blocked error. Just wondering if that happens on new builds or are the older airs just stuck like this.
It happens on my 24 Touring occasionally, there is certain rain size and droplets and angle hitting the car, but it goes away within 10 seconds and doesn't seem to cause DA to turn off. I am not totally convinced it's totally hooked up to any of those systems as a hard dependency to enable.
'25 AT, took delivery in Dec. In the few rains I have been it, it has happened. Can't compare to anything else (no info) but it's happened for sure (and I don't worry too much about it).
'24 AGT, it happens every time in the rain and also randomly in good weather too. One time a butterfly farted pretty close to the passenger door, and the LIDAR refused to work for the next few days.
My lidar gets blocked in bad weather and sometimes for apparently no reason at all. My observation is that the blockage typically clears quite rapidly. It’s a minor annoyance and has only caused me to blurt out certain words.