

New Member
Verified Owner
Jul 23, 2024
Any suggestions on auto insurance in California.
I have been with AAA in CA for over 20 years, clean driving record, no tickets or claims, multiple auto and home on policy to get discount but AAA wants $300 monthly for lucid.
New owner, Understand that EV’s premiums are higher but my newer Corvette in $90 monthly.
Little crazy.
Anyone out there have better experience with other insurance company, maybe time to switch.
There are lots of threads on this already, and an entire subforum dedicated to it. Please read those. In short: lots of insurers have pulled out of CA (and FL, and others), which makes finding insurance hard, and those that haven’t pulled out of the market have raised their premiums significantly, especially for luxury cars.

SafeCo, Chubb, PURE, Cincinnati are all HNW insurers that work well. PURE is who I use.

As usual, YMMV.
I'm in CA and NV split time. I've got USAA for several cars. The CA policy is a 2019 BMW i3 and is $1925 with a 300/500 comp/collision deductible. The NV policy is a 2024 Lucid and is $1625 with a 100/1000 comp/collision deductible for comparisons...hope this is helpful.

Interesting to note that the i3 retails for sooo much less than the Lucid and its current value is around $16k for the car and yet the i3 premium is 15% or so higher than a 2 week old Lucid that cost $90k. CA is expensive.

When I was thinking of registering the Lucid in CA the insurance quote from USAA was 3k. Lucky that my wife is a NV resident.
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I learned something concerning recently from a Lucid certified shop. State Farm has removed the appraisal clause from their policy. Other insurers allow you to appeal any appraisal and supplement to a 3rd party, which can happen frequently with Lucid as estimates are often made based on cheaper cars and insurers base estimates on low ball labor rates. This means that with State Farm, if the cost of repairs is higher than the insurers estimate, you cannot have a 3rd party revise the claim and increase the supplement estimate. I hope other insurers don’t go this way. Supposedly StateFarm hasn’t disputed labor rates but are rejecting other costs and because you cannot have a neutral 3rd party appraise the supplement or estimate like other insurers allow, you’re stuck with the difference of the bill that State Farm won’t pay.