In the process of leasing a Lucid Air and need a referral code. Not sure how this works. can anyone help, thx Geoff

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New Member
Mar 9, 2024
Reaction score
I am a new owner and need a referral code. Not sure how this works. Can anyone heop out? thx Geoff
I hope that your purchase goes well. Let us know if you have any questions. The car is spectacular to drive so I am sure that you will enjoy it. If you do use my referral code or a code from one of our members, please tell us whose code you used and when you expect to get your Lucid Air.

Please use my referral code:

Or just K9WIJHB0

Neil Tracht
My referral code is little-used and still relatively fresh!
Deane Gardner
You're welcome to use mine!

Use my referral link (code: Q1BTN5Y3) to buy the award-winning Lucid Air and get up to $1,250 vehicle discount or rebate

Name: Michael Borohovski
Referral code: Q1BTN5Y3
I am a new owner and need a referral code. Not sure how this works. Can anyone heop out? thx Geoff
Hello - You are more than welcome to use mine

Name: Hussain Mudassir
Referral Code: X1VWPQ1V
I am a new member. I started my application for an Air Touring lease using one of the referral links posted above.
Special rewards from now until March 31st.
Double owner and buyer rewards for every delivery from now until March 31st.

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