ID Buzz pricing announced

I saw that headline and spit out my coffee. Expensive, and probably too late to the camper van hype. Used sprinters are so cheap now.
Also rivian r1s looks better than this one in price and range as well as charging infrastructure for camping
It's big, 185 to 196 inches long.
Only the long wb will be sold in the US. Approximately same length as Gravity. Strictly minivan no SUV design features.

I saw one 6 months ago charging at the local EA station (manufacturer plates), it was enormous. Range is a little short but I think it will sell well.
You can sum this vehicle up in one word: Overpriced. I was anticipating a 50-55k price.
Not really. Slightly higher than the EV9, slightly lower than the Rivian and much better people mover than either of those. If I were looking for an on-road centric 3-row EV this would be on the short list.
I will get Gravity by spending 15k more.. just saying
I saw that headline and spit out my coffee. Expensive, and probably too late to the camper van hype. Used sprinters are so cheap now.

I haven't been tracking used sprinters, but am surprised to hear they are 'so cheap now'. A friend of mine had one with an Airstream fit-out, and other than what looked to be a crazy-tight shower, it seemed to be pretty well suited for a couple of empty nesters. Do you know enough about them to respond to that?
I haven't been tracking used sprinters, but am surprised to hear they are 'so cheap now'. A friend of mine had one with an Airstream fit-out, and other than what looked to be a crazy-tight shower, it seemed to be pretty well suited for a couple of empty nesters. Do you know enough about them to respond to that?
I haven't followed them actively. Just a quick search yielding several in the 20K range. Much of it depends on what you intend to do with it.

I was at a PCA autox and one guy turned his into a split level camper. Sleeping quarters on top, bicycle storage on the bottom, and towed his Porsche in the back.

Tow and payload capacity will vary by trim so it really very much depends on what you want to do, price will reflect as such.

In general, these became very sought after during COVID for obvious reasons. Now that used car prices are falling and the camper van dream fade is passing, I'm not surprised to see the prices on these falling.


It appears others on the Sprinter forums are expressing the same sediment.
Wow that's expensive for ID Buzz. I like the retro modern look but there's no way I'd be in the market at that price. Gravity and Rivian R1S/R2 is way more appealing at that ~$70K price range
I think this might appeal to the 60’s VW bus fanatic. It was underwhelming then and this seems to be carrying on the tradition.
IMHO, after the initial "buzz" dies down and the faithful that REALLY want this vehicle purchase theirs, VW will have a HARD time selling with that price / range and basic plasticky interior.
Only 230ish miles of range. When I load my family of 4 with all our stuff for a road trip in winter, range will only be about 140 miles at best. Hard pass.
Only 230ish miles of range. When I load my family of 4 with all our stuff for a road trip in winter, range will only be about 140 miles at best. Hard pass.
With that range and the state of EA charging infrastructure, the BUZZ will be limited to around town use with home charging. I don't know why VW thought that this was competitive. They are relying on the nostalgic looks only. Families would be better getting a Kia EV9.
Not really. Slightly higher than the EV9, slightly lower than the Rivian and much better people mover than either of those. If I were looking for an on-road centric 3-row EV this would be on the short list.
I bet you poor handling, crappy software...
Imo, this ID Buzz will sell very well, the aesthetic of it appear to many soccer moms and new born families. it may not appeal to sedan type crowd here as much.