ICE car privilege : any empty space

Cosmo Cruz

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May 2, 2022
Philly 'burbs
2022 Air GT: Cos/Cruz
DE Number
Speak softly, but carry a long extension cord. = E. Teddy Roosevelt

Speak softly, but carry a long extension cord. = E. Teddy Roosevelt

View attachment 19888

Love it. IMO there are three types of ICE drivers who park at chargers: (1) the idiots who don't even notice that it is a reserved charging spot (folks you don't want to meet on the road and a very small percentage); (2) Those who do it only if they can't find a reasonably convenient regular space (the same group of drivers who probably occasionally park in handicapped spaces for the same reason; and (3) Those who do it intentionally because they hate electric cars and EV drivers.

My guess is that we are looking at a picture of the last variety. I do hope the drivers have to wait a long time to get out of their spaces.
WOW! Not just 1 space, but both spaces…
🎵I love what you do for me, Toyota…🎵