
Active Member
Verified Owner
Mar 22, 2022
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Air GT Black/Tahoe/19"
Yeah you read that title right. I drive my 2022 Air GT to work every day, which takes me 15 minutes, and then home which takes me 1 to 1.5 hours via the same route due to afternoon rush hour traffic combined with a bridge failure that’s not going to get fixed for years. And I just turn on the massaging seats, listen to Ah-Ha’s Take On Me in Dolby Atmos, and tip toe along and am happy. This car is the antidote to road rage. And then when the traffic clears I gun it and effortlessly and peacefully rocket past everyone and am even happier. Sorry to dilute the complaint fest on here with some positivity but I just had to share. 😁
Yeah you read that title right. I drive my 2022 Air GT to work every day, which takes me 15 minutes, and then home which takes me 1 to 1.5 hours via the same route due to afternoon rush hour traffic combined with a bridge failure that’s not going to get fixed for years. And I just turn on the massaging seats, listen to Ah-Ha’s Take On Me in Dolby Atmos, and tip toe along and am happy. This car is the antidote to road rage. And then when the traffic clears I gun it and effortlessly and peacefully rocket past everyone and am even happier. Sorry to dilute the complaint fest on here with some positivity but I just had to share. 😁
Wow, I have never seen that much a difference between going to work and coming back home at the end of the day. Mine is 35 minutes vs 50 minutes. But I totally agree with you on the driving experience. I am always a little disappointed at the end of the drive because I have to get out of the car. You kind of expect that if you have a new car, but in a car you've had for close to two years, that's pretty amazing.
The car is great and all but I despise traffic still, can't get home to my little ones fast enough
Having little ones at home changes lots of things. My 24 year old doesn't care that much if I'm there or not, unless he wants me to do something for him.
Yeah you read that title right. I drive my 2022 Air GT to work every day, which takes me 15 minutes, and then home which takes me 1 to 1.5 hours via the same route due to afternoon rush hour traffic combined with a bridge failure that’s not going to get fixed for years. And I just turn on the massaging seats, listen to Ah-Ha’s Take On Me in Dolby Atmos, and tip toe along and am happy. This car is the antidote to road rage. And then when the traffic clears I gun it and effortlessly and peacefully rocket past everyone and am even happier. Sorry to dilute the complaint fest on here with some positivity but I just had to share. 😁
I second this, but with a slightly different anecdote. I'm serving as a juror on a seven week trial. I don't want to leave my car all day downtown, so I'm driving part way and then taking the bus. It's so nice to get off the bus and back into the Lucid on the way home. The traffic doesn't bother me. Just gives me more time in the car.
I don't know if I'm completely making this up, but isn't there a future with DDP with traffic jam assist, too?
I can relate. My wife does not like loud music, so driving solo is my music time. I’m happy having an excuse to sit in the Lucid listening to Dolby ATMOS tracks on the surreal sound pro system.
You nailed it with “antidote to road rage”. I have a similar type of commute with my evening return. It’s filled with countless near misses, and just down right insane driving that used to leave me exhausted and stressed when I got home. I could just find a solution for the inch away tailgaters…

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Yeah you read that title right. I drive my 2022 Air GT to work every day, which takes me 15 minutes, and then home which takes me 1 to 1.5 hours via the same route due to afternoon rush hour traffic combined with a bridge failure that’s not going to get fixed for years. And I just turn on the massaging seats, listen to Ah-Ha’s Take On Me in Dolby Atmos, and tip toe along and am happy. This car is the antidote to road rage. And then when the traffic clears I gun it and effortlessly and peacefully rocket past everyone and am even happier. Sorry to dilute the complaint fest on here with some positivity but I just had to share. 😁
I see why tsla drives eager to get to destination by cutting queues and speeding.
We could look at a paper map and compass for navigation :)
Or a lodestone. I am spatially challenged and even with a compass and paper map I used to get lost and could still get lost. I often use my car's nav feature to get me to an area where I am familiar with the roads and then I cancel the nav. For people like me, it really helps to see things like "turn left in 150 feet".

When I was in college in Waltham I once was in Boston and drove back to Waltham, a simple ten miles west of the City before GPS existed. A half an hour later I was under the Tobin River Bridge on the north side of town.