I hope owing is better than ordering


Verified Owner
Oct 19, 2023
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Starting to get a little cold feet. This buying experience has been a little bumpy. I ordered a GT last week pending my test drive this past Saturday. The day after placing my order they announced the referral discount. I inquired about adding that to the account but couldn't do it. The only option was for me to cancel the order and reorder with the link. This will also cause me to apply for leasing again. I'm not sure why they can't just have it switched to the new order. I drove 4 hours each way to drive the vehicle and was very impressed. The Sales Associate politely asked why I didn't come to the test drive event they had in my city the day before. That would have been great to know about. I went ahead and ordered the vehicle with the referral link. The good news is that the Associate said they could just swap the vehicle in the system once they saw it and it wouldn't delay my delivery date. On the way home I get a cancellation email and I assume it was for the first vehicle. Nope. It was for the new order with the referral discount. Nobody is sure how or why it was cancelled. So off to order the car for a third time and make a third leasing application tomorrow ....
That does sound a little frustrating. The ordering experience does appear a little patchy in some cases. For me the whole ordering, financing and collection process was extremely smooth.

Hopefully once you get the car all that will recede in the rear view mirror - and you'll be able to enjoy the wonderful GT experience :cool:
Agree, It was a little weird I've never ordered a car from anywhere but a dealership before... I had to call back the studio where we drove it a couple of times and asked them some basic questions until we had a DA assigned. Basically the girl who showed us the car and did the test drive sold us on it and answered or procedural questions..the rest was just figuring out the paperwork we choose to lease and weren't sure what to put on the lease form and screwed it up and had to redo it... Definitely felt a little like we were doing this on our own.... But every time I've called Lucid studio my questions were answered or we were routed to someone who could answer them. Process is definitely different .. But the car is awesome so glad we did it...got our AGT last week silver Santa Cruz 21"❤️
Your delivery advisor is honestly the one who should be holding your hand right up until you take delivery - I would keep calling/emailing them if you need help. I bought mine a month ago and I got the impression the delivery advisors were very busy so be the squeaky wheel...
Agree your DA should route you through the process, We picked out our car in the showroom on Saturday and put down a deposit on it. We did not meet our assigned DA for a few days....it was difficult to find to someone to talk with about the financing/lease numbers with no finance office, the DA had someone call us to discuss our finance options and we had to redo the lease. Seems like you would have someone to talk to about the deal numbers first not days later, but seems like that's how they do it. Get it, you will love the car.
Starting to get a little cold feet. This buying experience has been a little bumpy. I ordered a GT last week pending my test drive this past Saturday. The day after placing my order they announced the referral discount. I inquired about adding that to the account but couldn't do it. The only option was for me to cancel the order and reorder with the link. This will also cause me to apply for leasing again. I'm not sure why they can't just have it switched to the new order. I drove 4 hours each way to drive the vehicle and was very impressed. The Sales Associate politely asked why I didn't come to the test drive event they had in my city the day before. That would have been great to know about. I went ahead and ordered the vehicle with the referral link. The good news is that the Associate said they could just swap the vehicle in the system once they saw it and it wouldn't delay my delivery date. On the way home I get a cancellation email and I assume it was for the first vehicle. Nope. It was for the new order with the referral discount. Nobody is sure how or why it was cancelled. So off to order the car for a third time and make a third leasing application tomorrow ....
Having a baby is difficult. But everyone loves him when he starts to gurgle 😁 So I think you'll be delighted once you're behind the wheel of your "baby". Enjoy. Enjoy.. Repeat again & enjoy.
Starting to get a little cold feet. This buying experience has been a little bumpy. I ordered a GT last week pending my test drive this past Saturday. The day after placing my order they announced the referral discount. I inquired about adding that to the account but couldn't do it. The only option was for me to cancel the order and reorder with the link. This will also cause me to apply for leasing again. I'm not sure why they can't just have it switched to the new order. I drove 4 hours each way to drive the vehicle and was very impressed. The Sales Associate politely asked why I didn't come to the test drive event they had in my city the day before. That would have been great to know about. I went ahead and ordered the vehicle with the referral link. The good news is that the Associate said they could just swap the vehicle in the system once they saw it and it wouldn't delay my delivery date. On the way home I get a cancellation email and I assume it was for the first vehicle. Nope. It was for the new order with the referral discount. Nobody is sure how or why it was cancelled. So off to order the car for a third time and make a third leasing application tomorrow ....

Silly mistakes and frustrations aside, just try to keep in mind that you’re not dealing with a salesman wearing white sharkskin leather shoes, trying to get you to part with as much of your money as possible; or confronting an F&I department trying to put one over you. None of that happens in Lucid’s (or Tesla’s), direct sales model.

When eveyone is on their game and does their job correctly, the whole ordering and delivery process is seamless. I don’t think I’ll ever set foot in a traditional dealership again.
Starting to get a little cold feet. This buying experience has been a little bumpy. I ordered a GT last week pending my test drive this past Saturday. The day after placing my order they announced the referral discount. I inquired about adding that to the account but couldn't do it. The only option was for me to cancel the order and reorder with the link. This will also cause me to apply for leasing again. I'm not sure why they can't just have it switched to the new order. I drove 4 hours each way to drive the vehicle and was very impressed. The Sales Associate politely asked why I didn't come to the test drive event they had in my city the day before. That would have been great to know about. I went ahead and ordered the vehicle with the referral link. The good news is that the Associate said they could just swap the vehicle in the system once they saw it and it wouldn't delay my delivery date. On the way home I get a cancellation email and I assume it was for the first vehicle. Nope. It was for the new order with the referral discount. Nobody is sure how or why it was cancelled. So off to order the car for a third time and make a third leasing application tomorrow ....
Its worth it!! Believe me. I've had my car almost a year, still get that amazing feeling whenever I drive the car.
You will forget about all of this stuff the moment you drive away with it. Stick with it.
New member here, and I would have to agree with OP

As a car guy, I’ve been following Lucid for 2 years. I was itching to get one but decided not to be an early adopter, but rather wait a bit to see how reliable the car is in the real world (based on owner feedbacks,)

This past December I decided to get a Lucid and started the process to get a 2023 GT in silver . I placed the deposit online Dec 27. My DA advisor reached out to me via email a couple of days later to introduce herself and walk me through the process (she was exceptional). Met with the DA in person on Dec 30. I was hoping to fill out paperwork for a lease and walk out with the car. Not so. Apparently the financial rep only works M-F and if I was going to finance or lease, it would take 7-10 days

Long story short….after 10 days of paperwork, proof of income, down payment wired, Lucid realized the car had a chip in its roof..After a painful review of my options, I got cold feet and walked away from it…The irony is….. I went to an Audi dealership the following Saturday… and an hour and a half later I walked out with a 2024 Audi RS etron GT.

I have a lot of affinity for Lucid - I like the design, the technology, and the build quality is light years ahead of Tesla. However, for Lucid to thrive (not survive) they need to thoroughly assess and correct the glaringly obvious holes and pitfalls in their operation. Here are a few issues I see:

  1. A car company should do everything possible to allow a customer to walk out with the car THAT day. Impulse purchase is a powerful emotional state and all car companies acknowledge this. This is losing money for Lucid.
  2. The Financial services as it is setup currently is horrible…in competence and service (This is likely BOA and not Lucid) …it is just plain horrible. After 5 days of email exchanges and providing them with statements and paperwork similar to what a mortgage company wants, I got an email saying my application was denied because my credit was locked. I had forgotten I had my credit frozen and it has happened a few times in the past. Previously, they would just ask me to unfreeze it and they would proceed. Just last month, my wife bought a BMW IX and the same things happened, and once she unfroze it, the BMW financial manager proceeded. In the case of Lucid, the application was denied and I was told to unfreeze it first and do another application all over again.
  3. When they told me the car has a chip in the roof, they said they can reassign another car from another region with delivery estimated in 5 days, but I wouldn’t qualify for a $1500 discount (that only applies to cars in the studio) This is a customer service failure on the part of Lucid, when the mistake was theirs to begin with.
  4. A common problem with disruptive technologies is companies can often identify the problem that exists in an industry, I.e “WHY” to enter a particular market, but often lack personnel with experience in the industry ->domain space experts. An example, would be an uber driver who is glued to his/her phone navigation driving 5-10 mph below speed limit vs. a NYC cabbie, or a London cabbie. Legacy car makers have established systems, such as regional VPCs and have various systems to identify issues with cars before a customer takes delivery. The chip on this car should have been picked up earlier, and there should be a replacement part in the studios to make these repairs .

I do really hope Lucid thrives. I still see myself getting one some day, when I know there is an in-house financial department, there is trade-in possible, and there are no logistical bottlenecks to getting a car. Wishing you Lucid drivers a happy an safe driving in your beautiful cars.
Just to give a different experience:

This past December I decided to get a Lucid and started the process to get a 2023 GT in silver . I placed the deposit online Dec 27. My DA advisor reached out to me via email a couple of days later to introduce herself and walk me through the process (she was exceptional). Met with the DA in person on Dec 30. I was hoping to fill out paperwork for a lease and walk out with the car. Not so. Apparently the financial rep only works M-F and if I was going to finance or lease, it would take 7-10 days
I ordered from inventory online and applied for the lease right away. Still online, same day, I supplied all the requested documents via a web portal - no email back-and-forth. This was after business hours, but I believe the next day I got a message saying my lease application was approved. The car still had to be shipped across the country, which took about two excruciating weeks, but that was the estimate up front. I went to the service center to pick up my car, it was there, it was fine, I drove away after a quick inspection and tutorial.

I'm sorry to hear about your worse experience. One thing Lucid has going for it is exceptional "mothership" customer service. Some of the satellite sales and service folks just seem disconnected. Not that they're the typical screw-you-over dealership or mechanic type, just that they're missing some training and communication from the mothership. I'm confident if you had reached out to customer care they would have resolved some issues for you, like getting that $1500 credit back for you or getting that car repaired. But you shouldn't have to escalate like that. I see this as a growing pain - it's hard to go from 0 to nationwide well-trained staff in only a couple years. It'll get better. Same deal with getting people in and out with a car as quickly as possible. It's hard to nail down that entire process in only a couple years. It'll get better.

An example of the mothership proving it has the capacity for efficiency - I just had to call customer care to get towed (flat tire, bleh). I didn't have to do anything. They looked up the phone number I called from, found my account, found my car's location, called for a tow. I took my things and moved on with life. 15 minutes later, my car was on a truck to the service center. This could have been much more inconvenient, but Lucid has clearly worked out the inefficiencies in that process. Practice makes perfect.

Best of luck when you try again in the future, and I hope you enjoy that RS.
New member here, and I would have to agree with OP

As a car guy, I’ve been following Lucid for 2 years. I was itching to get one but decided not to be an early adopter, but rather wait a bit to see how reliable the car is in the real world (based on owner feedbacks,)

This past December I decided to get a Lucid and started the process to get a 2023 GT in silver . I placed the deposit online Dec 27. My DA advisor reached out to me via email a couple of days later to introduce herself and walk me through the process (she was exceptional). Met with the DA in person on Dec 30. I was hoping to fill out paperwork for a lease and walk out with the car. Not so. Apparently the financial rep only works M-F and if I was going to finance or lease, it would take 7-10 days

Long story short….after 10 days of paperwork, proof of income, down payment wired, Lucid realized the car had a chip in its roof..After a painful review of my options, I got cold feet and walked away from it…The irony is….. I went to an Audi dealership the following Saturday… and an hour and a half later I walked out with a 2024 Audi RS etron GT.

I have a lot of affinity for Lucid - I like the design, the technology, and the build quality is light years ahead of Tesla. However, for Lucid to thrive (not survive) they need to thoroughly assess and correct the glaringly obvious holes and pitfalls in their operation. Here are a few issues I see:

  1. A car company should do everything possible to allow a customer to walk out with the car THAT day. Impulse purchase is a powerful emotional state and all car companies acknowledge this. This is losing money for Lucid.
  2. The Financial services as it is setup currently is horrible…in competence and service (This is likely BOA and not Lucid) …it is just plain horrible. After 5 days of email exchanges and providing them with statements and paperwork similar to what a mortgage company wants, I got an email saying my application was denied because my credit was locked. I had forgotten I had my credit frozen and it has happened a few times in the past. Previously, they would just ask me to unfreeze it and they would proceed. Just last month, my wife bought a BMW IX and the same things happened, and once she unfroze it, the BMW financial manager proceeded. In the case of Lucid, the application was denied and I was told to unfreeze it first and do another application all over again.
  3. When they told me the car has a chip in the roof, they said they can reassign another car from another region with delivery estimated in 5 days, but I wouldn’t qualify for a $1500 discount (that only applies to cars in the studio) This is a customer service failure on the part of Lucid, when the mistake was theirs to begin with.
  4. A common problem with disruptive technologies is companies can often identify the problem that exists in an industry, I.e “WHY” to enter a particular market, but often lack personnel with experience in the industry ->domain space experts. An example, would be an uber driver who is glued to his/her phone navigation driving 5-10 mph below speed limit vs. a NYC cabbie, or a London cabbie. Legacy car makers have established systems, such as regional VPCs and have various systems to identify issues with cars before a customer takes delivery. The chip on this car should have been picked up earlier, and there should be a replacement part in the studios to make these repairs .

I do really hope Lucid thrives. I still see myself getting one some day, when I know there is an in-house financial department, there is trade-in possible, and there are no logistical bottlenecks to getting a car. Wishing you Lucid drivers a happy a safe driving in your beautiful cars.
So, in your frustration you decided to teach Lucid a lesson by purchasing a more expensive car with worse performance, less options and 250 miles of range? Alrighty then.
So, in your frustration you decided to teach Lucid a lesson by purchasing a more expensive car with worse performance, less options and 250 miles of range? Alrighty then.
I respect the fact that this is a Lucid forum, so I am not going into any details or comparisons between the two cars. My post stated many times that I love the car, but was meant to share a potential customer experience that was rather negative. This is important for Lucid to know (I am sure we all have a common goal for Lucid to succeed). I will leave it as your post was in part factually incorrect. The lease payment was about the same (I paid for wheel and tire insurance). The Audi has at least a half a dozen options and tech features in not seen in Lucid. 1. Integrated toll reader module (no Velcro on EZpass) 2. Traffic light monitoring (I have a counter on the dash as to when the light turns green....when in auto pilot mode, it adjusts the speed to not hit red lights - where possible. to name a couple cheers
New member here, and I would have to agree with OP

As a car guy, I’ve been following Lucid for 2 years. I was itching to get one but decided not to be an early adopter, but rather wait a bit to see how reliable the car is in the real world (based on owner feedbacks,)

This past December I decided to get a Lucid and started the process to get a 2023 GT in silver . I placed the deposit online Dec 27. My DA advisor reached out to me via email a couple of days later to introduce herself and walk me through the process (she was exceptional). Met with the DA in person on Dec 30. I was hoping to fill out paperwork for a lease and walk out with the car. Not so. Apparently the financial rep only works M-F and if I was going to finance or lease, it would take 7-10 days

Long story short….after 10 days of paperwork, proof of income, down payment wired, Lucid realized the car had a chip in its roof..After a painful review of my options, I got cold feet and walked away from it…The irony is….. I went to an Audi dealership the following Saturday… and an hour and a half later I walked out with a 2024 Audi RS etron GT.

I have a lot of affinity for Lucid - I like the design, the technology, and the build quality is light years ahead of Tesla. However, for Lucid to thrive (not survive) they need to thoroughly assess and correct the glaringly obvious holes and pitfalls in their operation. Here are a few issues I see:

  1. A car company should do everything possible to allow a customer to walk out with the car THAT day. Impulse purchase is a powerful emotional state and all car companies acknowledge this. This is losing money for Lucid.
  2. The Financial services as it is setup currently is horrible…in competence and service (This is likely BOA and not Lucid) …it is just plain horrible. After 5 days of email exchanges and providing them with statements and paperwork similar to what a mortgage company wants, I got an email saying my application was denied because my credit was locked. I had forgotten I had my credit frozen and it has happened a few times in the past. Previously, they would just ask me to unfreeze it and they would proceed. Just last month, my wife bought a BMW IX and the same things happened, and once she unfroze it, the BMW financial manager proceeded. In the case of Lucid, the application was denied and I was told to unfreeze it first and do another application all over again.
  3. When they told me the car has a chip in the roof, they said they can reassign another car from another region with delivery estimated in 5 days, but I wouldn’t qualify for a $1500 discount (that only applies to cars in the studio) This is a customer service failure on the part of Lucid, when the mistake was theirs to begin with.
  4. A common problem with disruptive technologies is companies can often identify the problem that exists in an industry, I.e “WHY” to enter a particular market, but often lack personnel with experience in the industry ->domain space experts. An example, would be an uber driver who is glued to his/her phone navigation driving 5-10 mph below speed limit vs. a NYC cabbie, or a London cabbie. Legacy car makers have established systems, such as regional VPCs and have various systems to identify issues with cars before a customer takes delivery. The chip on this car should have been picked up earlier, and there should be a replacement part in the studios to make these repairs .

I do really hope Lucid thrives. I still see myself getting one some day, when I know there is an in-house financial department, there is trade-in possible, and there are no logistical bottlenecks to getting a car. Wishing you Lucid drivers a happy a safe driving in your beautiful cars.
Good thing they didn’t sell you a car with a chip on the roof! I would commend Lucid for quality control.
I respect the fact that this is a Lucid forum, so I am not going into any details or comparisons between the two cars. My post stated many times that I love the car, but was meant to share a potential customer experience that was rather negative. This is important for Lucid to know (I am sure we all have a common goal for Lucid to succeed). I will leave it as your post was in part factually incorrect. The lease payment was about the same (I paid for wheel and tire insurance). The Audi has at least a half a dozen options and tech features in not seen in Lucid. 1. Integrated toll reader module (no Velcro on EZpass) 2. Traffic light monitoring (I have a counter on the dash as to when the light turns green....when in auto pilot mode, it adjusts the speed to not hit red lights - where possible. to name a couple cheers
When I had my etron, it too was equipped with an integrated toll reader. However what I was not told was that service was via a 3rd part provider at an extra cost. So in effect it raised the cost of all my tolls. It also didn’t work everywhere. I discontinued the service as I found Velcro worked quite well with my existing EZ pass. :)

As for the timing of traffic lights, it too is a nice feature in theory, but in NY it would make you lots of enemies as you’d more than likely be going slower than almost everyone else.