Homelink Won’t Delete


New Member
Sep 27, 2022
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had to get a new garage door opener and tried to delete the old from my homelink but it wont delete. The box comes up that asks if I’m sure I want to delete, I hit “delete”, the delete box grays out, and then nothing happens, it just sits there grayed out. I can close the box with the “x” in the corner but the old garage program is still there. I tried to reprogram the old “garage” program but it won’t accept the signal from the remote. I hold it close to the L and the horn never beeps. Its a Liftmaster 87802 that shouldn’t have a problem with Homelink.
had to get a new garage door opener and tried to delete the old from my homelink but it wont delete. The box comes up that asks if I’m sure I want to delete, I hit “delete”, the delete box grays out, and then nothing happens, it just sits there grayed out. I can close the box with the “x” in the corner but the old garage program is still there. I tried to reprogram the old “garage” program but it won’t accept the signal from the remote. I hold it close to the L and the horn never beeps. Its a Liftmaster 87802 that shouldn’t have a problem with Homelink.
Try new batteries in the remote. Seems silly, but that helped in my case.
I have been told by the service dept that a "factory reset" that will wipe out all your settings is required. Also that it's a known problem that will be fixed in an OTA one day.
In the meantime I renamed it "does not work", thought it might shame the service dept into figuring out a better answer.
Yes, service had to factory reset mine. Same response from them. They tried everything to delete the old one and they could not. Just had to re-add.
I recently moved, and have been trying to delete the “old” garage. Running into the same issue (asks if I want to “delete”, grays out, and then…nothing). Not a fan of factory resetting and then having to re-program the two new garage doors. Also, not a fan of being capable of opening the new homeowner’s garage.
Had the same issue after I accidentally reset my garage opener and had to re-program the Lucid. So I had a non-functional entry that I renamed to 'DO NOT USE' and the new one. Finally, I deleted both of them and then re-programmed the Lucid so that I had one entry. This was suggested by Support and I don't believe I had to a 'factory reset' of all settings.