Speculation Gravity Reservations

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Nov 2, 2021
AirTouring, R1S, Ioniq5
I don’t believe Lucid has released official details about the Gravity reservation process, but I did hear from my Sales Advisor who provided some feedback. He said all the information they have points to no reservations, and simply a direct to order model, with priority given to current Lucid Air owners.

I’m assuming this means they will start accepting orders at some point in the future, and it won’t be a first on the list system like most prior reservation process, but will be prioritized based on previous ownership, trim level, location, etc. Also no putting down a deposit far in advance to hold a spot in line. Simply place an order when they open up.
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I don’t believe Lucid has released official details about the Gravity reservation process, but I did hear from my Sales Advisor who provided some feedback. He said all the information they have points to no reservations, and simply a direct to order model, with priority given to current Lucid Air owners.

I’m assuming this means they will start accepting orders at some point in the future, and it won’t be a first on the list system like most prior reservation process, but will be prioritized based on previous ownership, trim level, location, etc. Also no putting down a deposit far in advance to hold a spot in line. Simply place an order when they open up.
So we just can’t order until late 2024? How do dreams work?
I don’t believe Lucid has released official details about the Gravity reservation process, but I did hear from my Sales Advisor who provided some feedback. He said all the information they have points to no reservations, and simply a direct to order model, with priority given to current Lucid Air owners.

I’m assuming this means they will start accepting orders at some point in the future, and it won’t be a first on the list system like most prior reservation process, but will be prioritized based on previous ownership, trim level, location, etc. Also no putting down a deposit far in advance to hold a spot in line. Simply place an order when they open up.

From the persepctive of a current owner who would get priority, this would suit me just fine. (FWIW, I've been told demo vehicles probably won't show up in Design Studios until at least the middle of next year.)

I do wonder, though, how supply chain management would work without reservations to gauge early interest, as rough a tool as that is for generating projections of actual sales. Would Lucid suppliers be able or willing to meter their production for quick response to order spikes? Would suppliers sign up without guarantees of minimum volumes which could leave Lucid and its strained finances holding the bag if orders come in under hopes?

These are very tricky waters for seasoned automakers with long supply histories to navigate. They would be particularly treacherous for a relatively new automaker in edgy market conditions. We brand loyalists will probably hang in to get our Gravity's no matter how choppy the ride. For more tentative buyers who have become exhausted with post-COVID manufacturing ups and downs, delivery disruptions arising from supply chain issues could be a real test of faith.
From the persepctive of a current owner who would get priority, this would suit me just fine. (FWIW, I've been told demo vehicles probably won't show up in Design Studios until at least the middle of next year.)

I do wonder, though, how supply chain management would work without reservations to gauge early interest, as rough a tool as that is for generating projections of actual sales. Would Lucid suppliers be able or willing to meter their production for quick response to order spikes? Would suppliers sign up without guarantees of minimum volumes which could leave Lucid and its strained finances holding the bag if orders come in under hopes?

These are very tricky waters for seasoned automakers with long supply histories to navigate. They would be particularly treacherous for a relatively new automaker in edgy market conditions. We brand loyalists will probably hang in to get our Gravity's no matter how choppy the ride. For more tentative buyers who have become exhausted with post-COVID manufacturing ups and downs, delivery disruptions arising from supply chain issues could be a real test of faith.
Currently, I would take any information with a GIANT BLOCK of salt. Even speaking directly with marketing and sales at the show, they weren't sure/felt free to discuss the marketing/reservation side of Gravity. I have no idea where sales associates are getting their information from, but I would not put much in what they have to say currently. There is still a lot of information/details to finalize for Gravity.

One thing is for sure and everyone has re-iterated this point is that current owners/leasees will have priority over the general public. How that priority plays out is still TBD. Let's not try to speculate too much about the process prior to any new info, as excited as we all are, it will start rumors and like @hmp10 stated previously, some publications pull their "news" from this forum.

I'm gonna lock this thread because it's all speculation anyways.
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