The problem is the "ramp" - or the lack there of. Take a look at what a ramp looks like - it's a gradually increasing structure, so the word is used for production to imply that production is increasing as time goes on. However, as we all know, Lucid has not built any more Gravities since the initial hand over of 9 on new year's eve. At this point, one can only assume that those 9 were hand built to fullfil the "initial production starts at the end of 2025" promise. I think the truth is, production has not started whatsoever and the delivery of those 9 Gravities should be discounted or completely disregarded at this point - which begs the question, when will production ACTUALLY start, along with the realization that the actual ramp starts AFTER that. The delivery of those 9 Gravities is meaningless now.
I get what you're saying about the Saudies. I know they may continue to sink money in Lucid. But they're not idiots. They also understand economics and sunk costs. There is a limit to how much they will invest in Lucid. Additionally, and just as important, they aren't handing over gifts to Lucid. Every time they invest more money, they get more ownership, which reduces my ownership (share dilution). So, while I'd obviously rather have greatly diluted shares in Licid than worthless shares, is there any real chance that I, or the Saudies will ever see a return on our investment? I really doubt it at this point. I'm sure the Saudies are starting to think that also.