Flat Bedding A Lucid


Active Member
Jan 19, 2021
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On the off chance a Lucid needs to be towed on a flatbed tow truck can one just winch it onto the flatbed without damage? I am asking out of curiosity since there is no gearing/transmission as far as I know. Is there a procedure to make sure no brakes are actuated? I rebuild old cars starting at the early 1900’s but know very little about EV’s.
Can't speak precisely for Lucid, but most EV's have a "neutral" setting to allow flatbedding (and also pull-through car washes). This works great unless the car is bricked for some reason, which has happened. Cars can still be dragged onto the flatbed even with wheels locked though.
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On the off chance a Lucid needs to be towed on a flatbed tow truck can one just winch it onto the flatbed without damage? I am asking out of curiosity since there is no gearing/transmission as far as I know. Is there a procedure to make sure no brakes are actuated? I rebuild old cars starting at the early 1900’s but know very little about EV’s.
I would check with the techs. I believe they supply some screw in loop hook but not positive
IIRC There is a YouTuber who had his Lucid towed away on a flatbed.
I would check with the techs. I believe they supply some screw in loop hook but not positive
The screw in toe eye is common to many cars now and a recent film shows it in the trunk of the Lucid. I am wondering about the process to put it into a neutral state if the motors do not work.
Tow Truck Mode

When loading and unloading the vehicle onto a flatbed tow truck, put the vehicle in Tow Truck Mode. This can be done on the Pilot Panel by navigating to Settings > Vehicle and toggling Tow Truck Mode.
Tow Truck Mode disables the emergency parking brake and shifts the vehicle into neutral to allow it to be transported on and off the flatbed truck.
Lucid recommends that Tow Truck Mode is deactivated once the vehicle is loaded onto
the truck to re-engage the emergency parking brake. Tow Truck Mode can also be deactivated by pressing the brake pedal.
  1. Attach the winch cable to the recovery eye.
  2. Place the vehicle in Neutral (N) or support rear wheels on a self-loading dolly (see manufacturer instructions for use).
  3. then in settings disable the Shock and tilt alert so alarm does not go off
Does anyone know whether "Tow Truck Mode" is still a supported/recommended option? I'm running 2.5.0 and no longer see a toggle for it under "Settings-->Vehicle".

My Air is fine, it's just being picked up by Service, via a flat-bed truck, for my 24 month service appointment.
rather than going through all these procedures you could use dollies to tow the car
yep but that'll be up to the transport service Lucid contracts with.
yep but that'll be up to the transport service Lucid contracts with.
I've only had to have one of my EVs towed away once and the tow driver had dollies for the tow. you could consider joining AAA and have them as a backup for the Lucid towing.
If possible, drive it onto the flat bed. If you have power but can't drive it, put it in neutral (halfway between D and R on the stalk) and they can pull it up onto the flatbed. If it's completely bricked, they will have to use skis/skids/dollies to get it onto the flatbed since the wheels won't turn or roll. I've had to do it all of those ways at different times.
If possible, drive it onto the flat bed. If you have power but can't drive it, put it in neutral (halfway between D and R on the stalk) and they can pull it up onto the flatbed. If it's completely bricked, they will have to use skis/skids/dollies to get it onto the flatbed since the wheels won't turn or roll. I've had to do it all of those ways at different times.
why do you have to have your cars towed so much? in the last 30 years or so I've only needed a tow once because I was rear ended and the car was not drivable.
Can't speak precisely for Lucid, but most EV's have a "neutral" setting to allow flatbedding (and also pull-through car washes). This works great unless the car is bricked for some reason, which has happened. Cars can still be dragged onto the flatbed even with wheels locked though.
I have a hard time believing that any automobile manufacturer would be allowed to build an automobile (no matter the power plant) without a neutral setting (which would allow the automobile to freewheel.)
why do you have to have your cars towed so much? in the last 30 years or so I've only needed a tow once because I was rear ended and the car was not drivable.
Various times it needed service 🤷‍♂️
To close out my comment, my car is fine and will be driven up onto the flatbed. The only reason it's going on a flatbed is because Lucid is kind enough to pick it up for me and bring it in for annual service.
I want to remind folk to shut off the shock and tilt alarm before loading / transporting. Also, be careful "checking on location" with the mobile app. I had my car trucked several hundred miles to replace a faulty module (this was over 2 years ago). I used the mobile phone app to "track" my car's progress down to VA, and while it was at the repair shop, and then all the way back home. As the car pulled onto my street I was watching on the app...and looked up at my car on the flatbed truck: the lights were on, and pointed directly into the truck driver's neck / rear view mirror. I realized that every time I "woke" the car, down and back and while in the shop, I had been "flashing".

Had I been the truck driver(s), I"d be pretty pissed ... had I been in the shop, I'd wonder WTF was going on (it was not a Lucid Service shop but an independent exotic shop authorized by Lucid).

My car has been "in the shop" for about half a year now, and I've been "flashing" to see where it is. Since the car is "bricked" and off-line the app is showing it at the authorized repair shop on the Main Line. After a few months of no word I rented a car and drove over there to see it. It wasn't there. It had become bricked during repairs ( a deer ran into it and tore the front bumper cover ) so it was trucked over to the KoP Service Center to get sorted. So I drove over to see it there, but was turned away. Was told no work would be done until after the holidays. That makes sense, as it's probably waiting for some software engineer in CA to come back from vacation, and then they have the Gravity launch so likely all the engineers in CA are swamped with work. So the car is, allegedly, sitting in the far dark depths of the service center, with all the other bricked Lucids, waiting it's turn. I check my mobile app to see if it's "alive" several times a week. I can imagine I am not the only one who does this. There are about 100 Lucids at the service center last time I was there. It must be a real light show to work at a Lucid Service center.

I expected the repairs to take a couple of months (not just getting parts, but getting approval from Liberty Mutual) but did not rent a car because I'm retired. I
did not expect it to take half a year and counting. Problem is I am so spoiled by Lucid that I refuse to drive the wife's Masda. I let her drive when we go somewhere. I'm enjoying seeing the sights as a passenger, but, I really really miss my car. I miss seeing it -- I used to go and sit in the garage and just look at it.
I used to go out in the middle of the night an listen to music from the back seat. I miss having a private and tweaked listening room.

...so much so that I'm thinking...spend time every day...thinking how to tell the wife, convince the wife, to ditch the Mazda and let me buy an additional Air.

Does Lucid know I'm thinking this way? Is this a conspiracy to increase Lucid sales ?

I think it is. I think that the moment I sneak another Lucid into my garage I'll get a call saying my car is done and ready for pick-up. Damm, that's clever. Lucid must be reading every post I make here.
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