Error Message: Door Failure


Verified Owner
Jun 28, 2022
Reaction score
SF Bay Area
AirT,M3LR,R8,NSX,718 GT4

Anyone seen this one?? Weird thing is that all 4 doors are working perfectly fine. open and close smoothly, the soft-close retraction works great, and when closed, there's no "door ajar" warning light on the dash. No extra wind noise, no visible misalignment or gap. This message just appeared for no reason when starting the car.
View attachment 24382

Anyone seen this one?? Weird thing is that all 4 doors are working perfectly fine. open and close smoothly, the soft-close retraction works great, and when closed, there's no "door ajar" warning light on the dash. No extra wind noise, no visible misalignment or gap. This message just appeared for no reason when starting the car.
Have seen this twice. It just went away after lock and unlock. My mobile tech checked for any logs and couldn't find any.
Huh! Mine has just gone away as well. Thanks for the voodoo you sent my way
I also received this error yesterday. Driver soft-close has been malfunctioning since 2.3.10, but this error had not previously appeared. With the doors completely closed, the error extinguished after less than a minute, but the red icon indicating an open door was still illuminated. I didn't want to try driving with that light since the car may have some auto-braking safety feature for opening a door while in motion. So I exited, locked, waited a minute or two, then returned and unlocked. Error did not reappear.