Email invite to test drive Air at Lucid HQ on March 9, 2023


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May 28, 2022
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Just got an email invite to test drive the Air at Lucid HQ on March 9, 2023. From the way the email is written, it seems like only some Pure reservation holders are invited? According to the email, the entire Air lineup will be there, including Sapphire. It did specifically that the Pure isn't available yet for test drives, only display.

Currently at work and can't post the email screenshot.
in case anyone wanted to see the email:


the RSVP page


and the RSVP form

Just got an email invite to test drive the Air at Lucid HQ on March 9, 2023. From the way the email is written, it seems like only some Pure reservation holders are invited? According to the email, the entire Air lineup will be there, including Sapphire. It did specifically that the Pure isn't available yet for test drives, only display.

Currently at work and can't post the email screenshot.
Should be an interesting event! It's cool that Lucid is still a young enough company to invite people to the factory. I visited a couple months ago and really enjoyed it.
Be careful that you don't come home with a Sapphire reservation.
would RWD and AWD look different?
Only if you looked underneath the car. ;)

I was more interested if any had actually been produced, even if only for demo purposes. I just got off the phone with my 'inside delivery advisor' and he suggested the timing for the Pure RWD is toward the end of summer.
invite people to the factory
Of course this is really an invitation to HQ in Newark CA, not Casa Grande AZ, which to me would be far more interesting to me. But HQ would still be good.
Am I the only person disappointed that they only offered one date? What if you're out of town that day? I hope Lucid learns that some clients are disappointed by this fact and in the future offer two alternative dates.

I once met with a fella who invited me to a business lunch, he gave me three choices; Monday at 1PM at a Thai restaurant; Wednesday at 12 at a different Thai restaurant; and Thursday at 12:30PM at a third Thai restaurant. I took the Thursday appointment, but I thought in my mind, he's lucky I like Thai food - but what if I didn't ant to eat Thai food? Met the fella, turned out to be a very nice fella but not a very strategic fella (as evident by his choices). Needless to say, he didn't get my contract.
Am I the only person disappointed that they only offered one date? What if you're out of town that day? I hope Lucid learns that some clients are disappointed by this fact and in the future offer two alternative dates.
I guess I'd be happy I was invited, rather than complaining. If this date fills up with drivers I imagine another date will be forthcoming.
Fair enough. Just saying that Lucid can do better and be more strategic. But perhaps I'm expecting too much or setting the bar too highly.