Drive Assist Cancelled error with 2.6.0


Nov 17, 2022
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Air Pure
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I have seen some older threads with this issue but nothing recently. Twice in the last week or so while driving in Drive Assist mode I have gotten the message 'Drive Assist Cancelled' (maybe something similar) followed by the regen kicking in. This is pretty scary since this happens at highway speeds and there is no warning. This has happened in fair weather and no other warnings. Are others still seeing this? Is there Telemetry in the car that Lucid support will be able to pull out to determine what's causing this. Getting Support from the Millbrae center is next to impossible and I don't know whether it's safe to be using Drive Assist at this point.
I get this with 2.6.0 as well but to be fair, I was also getting this with 2.5.x also. Sometimes I can go several days & hundreds of miles without this happening. But then there are days (like today) where it happens 5+ times over the course of a ~50 mile drive.

Since this happens along the same stretch of freeways for me, my only conclusion is that whatever is happening is drive-related....if I'm on a drive where it happens, I'm screwed and it's going to keep happening. But if I'm on a drive where it doesn't happen, then it might be rock solid for several hundred miles without this issue happening.
I have seen some older threads with this issue but nothing recently. Twice in the last week or so while driving in Drive Assist mode I have gotten the message 'Drive Assist Cancelled' (maybe something similar) followed by the regen kicking in. This is pretty scary since this happens at highway speeds and there is no warning. This has happened in fair weather and no other warnings. Are others still seeing this? Is there Telemetry in the car that Lucid support will be able to pull out to determine what's causing this. Getting Support from the Millbrae center is next to impossible and I don't know whether it's safe to be using Drive Assist at this point.
It happened more often in previous versions. Recent versions have reduced, but not eliminated the issue.

I suspect it's a bug. Let's hope it will get eliminated in the next version.
I have seen some older threads with this issue but nothing recently. Twice in the last week or so while driving in Drive Assist mode I have gotten the message 'Drive Assist Cancelled' (maybe something similar) followed by the regen kicking in. This is pretty scary since this happens at highway speeds and there is no warning. This has happened in fair weather and no other warnings. Are others still seeing this? Is there Telemetry in the car that Lucid support will be able to pull out to determine what's causing this. Getting Support from the Millbrae center is next to impossible and I don't know whether it's safe to be using Drive Assist at this point.
Same with my Grand Touring, as recently as last night...second time its happened. And no way to start it up again while driving (again at highway speeds!). Called Customer Care and they instructed me to pull over somewhere and do a hard reset. I did that (at 9PM and in the dark), and that fixed it. Do hope this bug gets resolved!
Same with my Grand Touring, as recently as last night...second time its happened. And no way to start it up again while driving (again at highway speeds!). Called Customer Care and they instructed me to pull over somewhere and do a hard reset. I did that (at 9PM and in the dark), and that fixed it. Do hope this bug gets resolved!
I've received this error on a few occasions (not often) but I am able to restart Drive Assist without having to stop
Lucid is aware the issue is still present in the latest software and has said it will be addressed in a future OTA update.