I have noticed that under certain circumstances (definitely when its wet) the rear glass roof has a reddish yellowish color/reflection. Did anyone else notice it? See photos from several angels.
Our Lucid exhibits this effect and, yes, it's particularly noticeable in rain when the raindrops amplify the effect. I think it's the new glass treatment for infrared heat rejection. Our 2021 Tesla Model S roof glass has the same hue in certain light while our earlier Model S glass did not exhibit this characteristic, and Tesla says its glass roofs now have high IR rejection.
It may be that the treatment cannot be faded out or edged without a visible line. So, since the coating may impair visibility, Lucid didn't want to use it on the piece of glass that forms the windshield.
This video shows how visible the termination line is on a Model X:
(I added a link to an article on this glass treatment to my earlier post since you posted. You might want to check it out.)