Dam Bergen, NJ HOAs


New Member
Apr 18, 2024
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Lucid Air
So, I am having difficulty with my HOA installing an EV Charger. They are hinting at me that they do not want me to install any charger without really telling me.

The HOA told me Please understand that there is a rumor that the state of NJ will eventually ban car charging stations in homes, particularly multiple dwelling units. Also, many boards are considering banning charging stations due to the danger of fire. If this should happen, you will be forced to remove the station. We urge you to use the local town stations and not install them at the complex.

I find this odd (maybe a lie). Governor Murphy wants all of us to go electric over the next years. So, how can we go electric if they will not allow installing chargers? What makes me laugh is that any new complex that has been built over the last few years has EV chargers in the parking garage. So, now I am looking into installing a 240v in my garage, but they want a permit and insurance, and they do not want to use damaging walls. I like, Come on!!!
So, I am having difficulty with my HOA installing an EV Charger. They are hinting at me that they do not want me to install any charger without really telling me.

The HOA told me Please understand that there is a rumor that the state of NJ will eventually ban car charging stations in homes, particularly multiple dwelling units. Also, many boards are considering banning charging stations due to the danger of fire. If this should happen, you will be forced to remove the station. We urge you to use the local town stations and not install them at the complex.

I find this odd (maybe a lie). Governor Murphy wants all of us to go electric over the next years. So, how can we go electric if they will not allow installing chargers? What makes me laugh is that any new complex that has been built over the last few years has EV chargers in the parking garage. So, now I am looking into installing a 240v in my garage, but they want a permit and insurance, and they do not want to use damaging walls. I like, Come on!!!
This is a complete lie. By this logic, lightbulbs, stoves, and anything connected to electricity is also a fire hazard. I have never heard of this rumor, and am in NJ as well. You do need a permit, at least officially. We installed a Chargepoint Home Flex 1 month ago, and nobody complained about anything. Ask your HOA for the sources of this rumor, since this sounds like BS.
That is quite some nonsense. HOAs will be HOAs.

The new ICC building codes will require new construction homes to have at least the wiring ready for one EVSE per home.

I don’t expect an HOA to be reasonable, I’m sure they’ve read all about EVs on Facebook, but you can cite building code at them and hope for the best.
Print and send above to them. New developments in NJ are required to provide chargers. While there is no requirement for existing developments I don't see how they can prohibit a charger.
This is some bullshit. Every year Murphy is allocating billions of dollars for charging infrastructure and billions of dollars to EV purchase incentives
FYI, in Somerset, I have seen the townhomes community does have CCS charger stall. I am not sure if it’s per townhome or a central area to charge vehicle available to the people residing there.

Multi Unit Dwelling (MUD) EV Charger Incentive

Designed to encourage owners and operators of MUDs to provide EV chargers for residents and guests, the program offers incentives to support the purchase and installation of eligible Level-Two EV charging equipment. Awards available under the program include $4,000 toward the purchase of a dual-port, networked Level-Two EV charging station and $6,000 toward the purchase of a Level-Two EV charging station for an MUD located in an Overburdened Municipality or in a 100% deed restricted low and/or moderate-income development.

Here is a list of Overburdened Municipalities.

Applications for the Multi Unit Dwelling (MUD) EV Charger Incentive will be accepted until funds are expended.

For more information on the MUD EV Charger Incentive Program, please visit.
That is a complete fabrication. Elect a new board lol
I find this odd (maybe a lie). Governor Murphy wants all of us to go electric over the next years. So, how can we go electric if they will not allow installing chargers? What makes me laugh is that any new complex that has been built over the last few years has EV chargers in the parking garage. So, now I am looking into installing a 240v in my garage, but they want a permit and insurance, and they do not want to use damaging walls. I like, Come on!!!
While the first half of your post is entirely nonsense, I’d like to point out that you do need to pull a permit and should have home insurance if you don’t already.

As for damaging walls, well, with a permit it will be a permanent and city-or county-approved installation, so they can get over it. Lol
While the first half of your post is entirely nonsense, I’d like to point out that you do need to pull a permit and should have home insurance if you don’t already.

As for damaging walls, well, with a permit it will be a permanent and city-or county-approved installation, so they can get over it. Lol
Many of my neighbors don’t get permits, although we decided it’s better to be safe than sorry. You do technically need one, but it seems as if nobody cares.
I suspect your HOA's source of information is YouTube FUD or Newsmax. The opposite is true, most places are now requiring that new residential construction be EV-charger ready (with at least the wiring in place if the panel is not in the garage). If their source of information was reliable, it would include the fact that an ICE car is 60 times more likely than an EV to catch fire. Perhaps they should ban indoor parking of ICE cars instead. I don't know how this happened, but everyone seems to forget that ICE cars are filled with many gallons of a highly volatile substance called GASOLINE!
Many of my neighbors don’t get permits, although we decided it’s better to be safe than sorry. You do technically need one, but it seems as if nobody cares.
Your neighbors are idiots.

This will come into play when either:
a) they sell the house, or,
b) their garage burns down.

If (a), they will not be able to increase the value of the house due to the unpermitted work, and it may even decrease the value.
If (b), insurance companies absolutely will not cover unpermitted work, and that will absolutely be the first thing they blame it on.

Get a permit. Period.
Your neighbors are idiots.

This will come into play when either:
a) they sell the house, or,
b) their garage burns down.

If (a), they will not be able to increase the value of the house due to the unpermitted work, and it may even decrease the value.
If (b), insurance companies absolutely will not cover unpermitted work, and that will absolutely be the first thing they blame it on.

Get a permit. Period.
Absolutely get the permit and a licensed electrician to do the work!!!
You do technically need one, but it seems as if nobody cares.
Also, I'd like to point out that this line of reasoning goes right along with 'technically seatbelts are required, but it seems like in NH nobody cares.'

Sure, that's technically true; you don't have to wear a seatbelt in NH. But the people that don't are putting their lives at risk every single day, for literally nothing but an ego boost and stubbornness. It's hard to feel sorry for someone when they crash and get hurt as a result, but it's very easy to feel sorry for the kids who are in the car whose dad or mom didn't put them in a carseat or seatbelt.

Just do the right thing. It's like $250-450 for a permit.

I do not understand people like this.