Current Functionality of DreamDrive Pro

There are many curves on I95 near Providence RI I routinely take above 70mph and HA for me manages them just fine…sometimes, and other times it will lose it on the identical curve. That inconsistency is a problem as I’ll expect it to do fine and then randomly it won’t so you really have to be on guard near bigger curves. Smaller curves it handles great above 70mph for me though. Also the latest OTA immensely improved lane changing. You no longer have to fight the car at all to change lanes. I’m very happy about that.
I don't even care most of the time if it disengages or whatever.

My biggest issue with it is the lack of warnings, sounds, or notifications that it just disengaged. Sometimes for me it's random and I think it does do a little sound when it disengages but I barely hear it most of the time and I'm surprised when it does disengage. It needs to be a little more obvious it's disengaged imo
I don't even care most of the time if it disengages or whatever.

My biggest issue with it is the lack of warnings, sounds, or notifications that it just disengaged. Sometimes for me it's random and I think it does do a little sound when it disengages but I barely hear it most of the time and I'm surprised when it does disengage. It needs to be a little more obvious it's disengaged imo
That's also a problem with Tesla, and there are times that it disengages and can barely be felt. The smart thing for a car to do if it can't detect hands on the wheel would be to automatically switch on autosteer, and possibly try to bring the car to a controlled stop if the driver doesn't respond. An awake driver would react, the car would tell that the person is watching the road, etc Instead, companies make it easy for it to be off by mistake.

It makes no sense to check for driver alertness only when an ADAS is in use. Either have a reliable way for it to work at all times without false alarms, or don't.
That's also a problem with Tesla, and there are times that it disengages and can barely be felt...
On Tesla, it would chime "ding DING" with the rising tone when the system is on. It would chime "DING ding" with the descending tone when the system is deactivated. If you have a dashcam with audio, you can tell when the system is on and off by just by listening.

On the other hand, when it suddenly turns off itself, it gives out a loud, deafening siren until you take it over to turn that sound off.