Copper Thieves Stealing Charging Station Cables…..


Active Member
Jan 19, 2021
Just what we need. Drive up to a charging station and all the cables are gone. Guess we are going to have to carry the cables in our cars and plug in to the chargers in the future….. 🤨
Just what we need. Drive up to a charging station and all the cables are gone. Guess we are going to have to carry the cables in our cars and plug in to the chargers in the future….. 🤨's Van Nuys...
Yes, But once the word gets around it will be catalytic converter part II.
Yes, But once the word gets around it will be catalytic converter part II.
True, hopefully the imbeciles will find the value isn't worth getting pinched for. Cord is a pain in the ass to strip and burning the insulation off diminishes the value and volume of copper.
True, hopefully the imbeciles will find the value isn't worth getting pinched for. Cord is a pain in the ass to strip and burning the insulation off diminishes the value and volume of copper.
Nothing diminishes the value and volume of @copper ;)
Nothing diminishes the value and volume of @copper ;)
Go take any SO cord and burn it to get the insulation off and then show us pics of what's left besides a big mess. With cord you have strands of copper that are not much thicker than a strand of hair, they melt and evaporate into the ash pile, it's a real friggin mess of nothing when you're all done, don't ask me how I know this LOL

FTR I wasn't the genius who thought it would be a good idea to burn some discarded SO cord to take to the scrap yard, I just watched the morons while I laughed drinking a cold brew or two. 🤣
Most larger scrap yards have huge motor driven wire strippers for any sized wire or cable and strip the wire for free.