BUG CarPlay does not automatically come back on after camera is shown


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Apr 11, 2022
San Diego
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If using CarPlay, then the camera comes on (if parking or otherwise), when the camera shuts off, it goes back to the Lucid Home Screen, not CarPlay. It should return to CarPlay automatically and does so in my other cars.
This happens to me sometime but not all the time. Just got back from an appointment and had CP on screen before I backed out of the garage. CP returned once I changed gear to drive and reached over 15ish MPH ... but do agree it does occur and is annoying!
This happens to me about 90% of the time, and it‘s definitely annoying. Would love if they would fix it to always remember you were in CarPlay prior to the cameras coming on. I‘m sure Lucid is aware of it and hope it’s not too far down the bug list.
CarPlay has been this way since it came out. I posted it in @Bobby ’s bug list a couple of months ago.
CarPlay has been this way since it came out. I posted it in @Bobby ’s bug list a couple of months ago.
Yes, you are correct. Thank you for doing that. Just calling attention to it in case Lucid happens to be lurking around the forum.