I have found the Scheduled Charging feature and have set my car to not charge until 12:01 when the off-peak times start. But I also want to make sure it never charges past 7:00 in the morning. I am usually fully charged by then but not always. Also, when I wake the car up after several hours, it wants to do a quick charge to top off. I want to avoid this because (i) I don't want to have to manually stop the charging through the app each time before unplugging and (ii) NY ConEd gives me rebate $$ if I only charge during off-peak and I don't want to lose that because the car does a quick 2 minute top off charge when I wake it at 8:30.
Is there a way to set a range time for charging instead of just a start time?
Is there a way to set a range time for charging instead of just a start time?