It's bad, very bad. They could be making cars at the rate they originally said, 24k. Now they cut it in half and half again then they announce a new Sapphire model when they can't even make the models they already promised. How was the expansion not planned for already, oh wait it was with money from cars they thought they would/could produce. You honestly think they aren't burning cash at an alarming rate? Look at the figures.Only on the internet is a planned registration of new shares, which may be offered over the next 3 years a “GIANT RED Flag”. Would you prefer that the expansion be paid for in debt?
$; mm | ’10 | ’11 | ’12 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | ’10-’18 |
Capital Raised | |||||||||
common stock | 269 | 231 | 221 | 360 | 0 | 730 | 1.701 | 400 | 3,914 |
debt | 0 | 72 | 204 | 666 | 2,300 | 319 | 2,853 | 7,138 | 13,552 |
stock options | 1 | 11 | 25 | 95 | 100 | 107 | 164 | 259 | 762 |
warrants | 120 | 389 | 53 | 562 | |||||
TOTAL | 270 | 314 | 451 | 1,242 | 2,790 | 1,156 | 4,719 | 7,850 | 18,790 |
Cash Flow | |||||||||
operating loss | -147 | -251 | -394 | -61 | -187 | -717 | -667 | -1,632 | -4,057 |
deprec. | 11 | 17 | 29 | 106 | 232 | 423 | 947 | 1,636 | 3,400 |
capital exp. | 40 | 198 | 239 | 262 | 970 | 1,635 | 1,280 | 3,415 | 8,042 |
operating CF | -176 | -432 | -605 | -219 | -924 | -1,929 | -1,001 | -3,411 | -8,698 |
So, if they made 12,000 cars instead of the revised 6,000 cars they wouldn’t have needed to do this? 150,000 x 6,0000 = 900,000. Of course profit margins are tight, so the 900k would not equal 900k in more cash flow. To think that a company like this is just freewheeling it, is overly simplistic. There is a detailed road map that management didn’t share with the Wall Street Bets crowd, looking for aIt's bad, very bad. They could be making cars at the rate they originally said, 24k. Not they cut it half and half again and they announce a new Sapphire model when they can't even make the models they already have. How was the expansion not planned for already, oh wait it was with money from cars they thought they would/could produce. You honestly think they aren't burning cash at an alarming rate? Look at the figures.
If you don't think it's a red flag, great...cuz no one cares what you and I think anyway. The market is going to decide based on quarterly earnings. Lucid has not done anything to show they are capable of making cars at a viable rate. It's sad, I really like the marketing, but hype doesn't pay the bills.
Oh my god...No one is talking about this here?
How can you not address a GIANT RED flag.
Lucid announced a year ago that they expected to raise cash in mid-'23. Factories don't build themselves. If you are an investor the only thing you have to worry about is why you didn't do due diligence, because this is exactly how startups grow.It's bad, very bad. They could be making cars at the rate they originally said, 24k. Now they cut it in half and half again then they announce a new Sapphire model when they can't even make the models they already promised. How was the expansion not planned for already, oh wait it was with money from cars they thought they would/could produce. You honestly think they aren't burning cash at an alarming rate? Look at the figures.
If you don't think it's a red flag, great...cuz no one cares what you and I think anyway. The market is going to decide based on quarterly earnings. Lucid has not done anything to show they are capable of making cars at a viable rate. It's sad, I really like the marketing, but hype doesn't pay the bills.
No one is talking about this here?
How can you not address a GIANT RED flag.