2.4.x OTA

Huh. Nothing taken away? They took away all automation and integration. . I can see that if you did not use or know how to use the integrations, you may think nothing was taken away. I really don't choose to use AA and it would not give me back all the smart integration that they sold me and then stopped delivering. Your comment is caustic without logic, as you seem not to understand my points
My automation through Home Assistant is working just fine. :) I can even use Alexa through it.

(But yes, I see you point. Technically they did take something away. Most users will not miss it. Some will. I’m hopeful LA will blow away Alexa eventually.)
Huh. Nothing taken away? They took away all automation and integration. . I can see that if you did not use or know how to use the integrations, you may think nothing was taken away. I really don't choose to use AA and it would not give me back all the smart integration that they sold me and then stopped delivering. Your comment is caustic without logic, as you seem not to understand my points
Calm down. I get your point, but please be nice.