2.4.0 / 2.4.2 OTA

I have a Pure AWD with basic DD and 2.4.2. The only ADAS improvement I can tell so far is that the graphics of the vehicles (your own + the one in the front) are nicer, e.g., my car is the correct color. Single lane display only, but that’s probably because we don’t have side cameras.

It would have been ideal if they had also implemented the “resume from a stop” and “more aggressive acceleration in stop-and-go traffic” improvements for us as well, since presumably those are only algorithmic improvements (DDPro gets these). Hopefully in a future update.
I haven't gotten the update yet, but I have DD Premium, which has the surround view monitoring. Anyway with DD Premium and the 2.4 update able to see side lanes? Even without lane switching, the visualization has added safety benefits.
I haven't gotten the update yet, but I have DD Premium, which has the surround view monitoring. Anyway with DD Premium and the 2.4 update able to see side lanes? Even without lane switching, the visualization has added safety benefits.
nope, no side lanes visible with DD premium
This might have been reported already but this thread is so large that I do not wish to spend a lot of time to see if it has I just talked with the Seattle Service Center, and they said that this OTA rollout has stopped for now because a severalugs were discovered and are now being fixed. I am not sure when the corrections will be completed and when the rollout will be restarted.
This might have been reported already but this thread is so large that I do not wish to spend a lot of time to see if it has I just talked with the Seattle Service Center, and they said that this OTA rollout has stopped for now because a severalugs were discovered and are now being fixed. I am not sure when the corrections will be completed and when the rollout will be restarted.
Nick from Lucid mentioned, in this thread, that 2.4.x is being revised and that all customers should have it by next Monday evening.
It's complete disaster in Europe, where you have tons and roundabouts and where you are supposed to indicate your leaving the roundabout. No way to do that right all the time with buttons on the steering wheel - it will be obviously not on the center position on the roundabout, you'll always have to figure out the right button.
I didn't find roundabouts to be a particular problem and my experience with ones in Europe have been that they were larger than the ones I typically see. The steering wheel isn't turned much from center for roundabouts, and it's predictable when you would use the indicators. I'd still prefer a lever, The only problem I have with signal levers is that in some countries, I end up wiping the windscreen whenever I need to make a turn. I never completely got used to having a lever on the right side. I suppose that I could get used to that, or buttons in the long run.

What bothers me though is the way Tesla did it. Since shifting is electronic to begin with, they could have put the same software in older cars, with drivers having the ability to use it or disable it, with the physical lever working as a backup. Then they could have gotten real world data about what drivers actually want. Indeed they could still make the shifting option available onscreen for older Teslas, and then they'd know what drivers actually prefer. They can't do the same with signals retroactively, and unfortunately there's no practical alternative.
Nick from Lucid mentioned, in this thread, that 2.4.x is being revised and that all customers should have it by next Monday evening.
I interpret his message to mean rollout starts Monday but as others have said it is a bit ambiguous and if they run into any problems during in-house testing than all bets are off on when it will be.