2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.4 OTA

It's not likely that they will have these sorts of problems with most updates though. Unpdates that add new features don't typically start using hardware that wasn't in use or wasn't used for specific purposes before, so it's less likely that software will uncover hardware problems. And if Lucid learned from this, they will be or have added more hardware checking to the install process, to avoid letting the install complete on cars that would have problems.
I agree and echoed this in an earlier post I made 🙏🏼

Agreed and it’s disappointing to see some owners getting so hung up of the removal of Alexa and not being appreciative of the new features that got added. These weren’t just minor updates either they’re were big additions to DDPro.
If you were not using Alexa's integration features, then you won't miss Alexa. My house, driveway, garages, AC units, Heaters are almost fully smart. I could write 8 pages on the things I used constantly from my car while driving. "Hey Lucid" was a complete fail for me at first, but it is getting better. Alexa is definitely the industry standard and definitely not perfect. I have had my Grand Touring for just over a couple years. It still draws compliments and except for the new interface is great to drive. I was considering another Lucid. I had a yearning for a Sapphire, but I have been following the Gravity as well. Truthfully I don't really need a Sapphire, but coming from a sportscar background, I want one and at my age, why not. Compared to for example an MC20 or a Ferrari 296 GTS, it is a bargain. The Gravity though actually could replace my 4x4 Truck and my Grand Touring. Anyway, when Lucid eliminated Alexa and did not replace any of the connectivity and automation to my home infrastructure, they yanked the rug right out from under me. I started looking at BMW, Mercedes, Cadillac, Lamborghini. I had already looked at Porsche before choosing my Lucid. So far, Lucid comes out on top except for integration features.

I have been looking at work arounds and so far there are no good ways to handle it Android Auto won't do this cleanly by voice, My phone is google search based and I am not even considering changing the default voice to Alexa and if I did, where would I mount the phone that does not look trailer park. Alexa Auto would require the bluetooth sound to be dedicated to the Alexa device.

If Lucid would just come out and say that they are going to support integrations at some later point, say in a couple months in 2.5.x, I could be patient that long. Otherwise I find myself at a crossroads some time this year.

Final bit of info, Amazon furnishes an SDK and libraries that Lucid can use to pass off commands to the Alexa servers. I am not sure I understand why Lucid did not use that easy kit to keep the features?
Lucid won't try to kill you and is more conservative than Autopilot. An advantage is that it changes lanes smoothly, but if there's a situation where it's not changing lanes because it thinks that there's not enough room, such as when a driver is waving you to go ahead but the car thinks it's too close, you can take over the steering and move to the lane yourself without disabling it the way you'd have to with Autopilot. It feels smooth and natural since with the signal already on, it won't try to keep you in the lane. So manual lane changes in that circumstance seem natural.

The nags aren't the same as with Tesla, because a controlled amount of pressure lighter than what Tesla requires works fairly consistently. And if you overdo it, it will move the car a bit within the lane, and move it back when you ease up. But with Tesla, it will disengage. Some people disengage it without realizing it. I don't know how often it happens, but I've read about accidents where people said they were using Autopilot but Tesla insisted that they weren't using it. Either the drivers were lying with nothing to gain from it, or the drivers thought that autosteer was on when it wasn't. With Lucid, it's much harder to turn off the auto steer portion by mistake.
Thank you for contrasting the Lucid and the Tesla. It is good to know. I look forward to my car getting back from Lucid. 2.4.x seems to have uncovered some issues with my Grand Touring. I got moved from 2.4.2 to 2.4.3 and now the Highway assist is back partially online. I hope when they have the blind spot issue fixed on mine, I have the same experience as you are having.
If you were not using Alexa's integration features, then you won't miss Alexa. My house, driveway, garages, AC units, Heaters are almost fully smart. I could write 8 pages on the things I used constantly from my car while driving. "Hey Lucid" was a complete fail for me at first, but it is getting better. Alexa is definitely the industry standard and definitely not perfect. I have had my Grand Touring for just over a couple years. It still draws compliments and except for the new interface is great to drive. I was considering another Lucid. I had a yearning for a Sapphire, but I have been following the Gravity as well. Truthfully I don't really need a Sapphire, but coming from a sportscar background, I want one and at my age, why not. Compared to for example an MC20 or a Ferrari 296 GTS, it is a bargain. The Gravity though actually could replace my 4x4 Truck and my Grand Touring. Anyway, when Lucid eliminated Alexa and did not replace any of the connectivity and automation to my home infrastructure, they yanked the rug right out from under me. I started looking at BMW, Mercedes, Cadillac, Lamborghini. I had already looked at Porsche before choosing my Lucid. So far, Lucid comes out on top except for integration features.

I have been looking at work arounds and so far there are no good ways to handle it Android Auto won't do this cleanly by voice, My phone is google search based and I am not even considering changing the default voice to Alexa and if I did, where would I mount the phone that does not look trailer park. Alexa Auto would require the bluetooth sound to be dedicated to the Alexa device.

If Lucid would just come out and say that they are going to support integrations at some later point, say in a couple months in 2.5.x, I could be patient that long. Otherwise I find myself at a crossroads some time this year.

Final bit of info, Amazon furnishes an SDK and libraries that Lucid can use to pass off commands to the Alexa servers. I am not sure I understand why Lucid did not use that easy kit to keep the features?
I was in fact but have been progressively moving things over to Home Assistant and automating a lot a lot of controls in other ways than solely relying on Alexa or Apple or Google because all their attempts at smart home integration suck.

It’s called adapting, you should try it rather than bet the whole cart on one dead horse! Now can we please give the “woe is me, Alexa is gone” argument a rest!
I was in fact but have been progressively moving things over to Home Assistant and automating a lot a lot of controls in other ways than solely relying on Alexa or Apple or Google because all their attempts at smart home integration suck.

It’s called adapting, you should try it rather than bet the whole cart on one dead horse! Now can we please give the “woe is me, Alexa is gone” argument a rest!
The whole point of Home Assistant is exactly this, actually. I don’t care what system my products integrate with. Home Assistant abstracts that all away and works with everything.
I read about your automation references couple of times in past posts as well. It's there a documentation available for reference. I'm now very curious to experiment with possibilities with LA.
Search the forum for “Home Assistant” as a start. :)
I have been looking at work arounds and so far there are no good ways to handle it Android Auto won't do this cleanly by voice, My phone is google search based and I am not even considering changing the default voice to Alexa and if I did, where would I mount the phone that does not look trailer park.
You shouldn't need to mount your phone anywhere in front of you: Android Auto (properly implemented by the car manufacturer of course) uses the microphone(s) installed in your car.
However looks like you won't be able to change assistant in Android Auto. Some say Android Auto can be still controlled from Amazon Echo Auto.
I was in fact but have been progressively moving things over to Home Assistant and automating a lot a lot of controls in other ways than solely relying on Alexa or Apple or Google because all their attempts at smart home integration suck.

It’s called adapting, you should try it rather than bet the whole cart on one dead horse! Now can we please give the “woe is me, Alexa is gone” argument a rest!
Home assistant does not interface with many smart devices any more than IFTT, which I used for automation in the past before abandoning it. but as it matures it may be a player. It does not address voice control in my car. Still, since you are ahead of my on that tech, perhaps you can tell us what you have accomplished thus far. So for example (Not car related) can it start various smart devices when I am generating excess solar?
You shouldn't need to mount your phone anywhere in front of you: Android Auto (properly implemented by the car manufacturer of course) uses the microphone(s) installed in your car.
However looks like you won't be able to change assistant in Android Auto. Some say Android Auto can be still controlled from Amazon Echo Auto.
But it requires dedicated bluetooth control for the Alexa sound. It is hard to know how Lucid will work that since they have not announced anything. If they implement is such that Alexa on AA overrides Nav and Radio, perhaps that is the best that they can do?. Anyway, my phone is not primarily an Alexa device. Alexa can be brought up as an app, and left as the top app, and still needs a button touch for listen mode.
But it requires dedicated bluetooth control for the Alexa sound. It is hard to know how Lucid will work that since they have not announced anything. If they implement is such that Alexa on AA overrides Nav and Radio, perhaps that is the best that they can do?. Anyway, my phone is not primarily an Alexa device. Alexa can be brought up as an app, and left as the top app, and still needs a button touch for listen mode.
My understanding is that an Alexa Auto uses bluetooth (or AUX) only answer to your questions, it uses it's own integrated microphone to listen to you. I guess it will work if the car will support multiple devices connected over bluetooth (as your Android phone will also utilize bluetooth for the sound at least for phone calls, also when it will be running Android Auto). And not just support them connected, but automatically switch to device that wants to tell you something.
So it should work like this: you are saying "Alexa, navigate me home", the Alexa Auto device will hear you and transfer your command to the Alexa app running on your phone, Alexa app on your phone will ask Google Maps to start navigation to you phone, Google Maps will start navigation and by having Android Auto running at this time it will show it to you on the car screen, then Alexa app will instruct Alexa Auto to give you the answer, Alexa Auto will request your car system over bluetooth to switch the input source to it and will play "ok, navigating you home" over bluetooth, expecting that the car system switches sources and you'll hear that in the car speakers.
Will it all work seamlessly? I don't know. Looking at this scenario I doubt ...
Yes, I have 2 of the devices for my older vehicles, you have identified how it works. It would like you suggested be a separate thing. Mine do not switch over automatically between Alexa and normal Nav/Stereo.
2.4.4 downloaded and installed on my 2023 Pure AWD. All systems functioning normally. Highway Assist tracking much better, and Lane Change Assist functioned well. Not much time spent getting to know Hello Lucid.

Only one thing to be aware of... When vehicles are in your blind spots, they do NOT show up on the dashboard's new three lane view. That view only shows side and forward views. IMO, it would be a great change to have the car icon appear a little higher up on the screen, and to have the screen show a little less forward and a little more backward, such that any vehicles in your blind spots are shown. The good news is that the side view mirrors still alert you to any vehicles in your blind spots, as of course will your cameras when you have your turn signal engaged. While I did not test it, I'm confident that Lane Change Assist will see any vehicles in your blind spots, and not engage accordingly.

Please do not beat me about the head and back for suggesting an improvement...
All good points, @Buffalo Bob. I'm fairly sure I've seen LCA hold off, pending the final stages of an overtake, however, I haven't run into a case where I'm commanding an overtake into a lane where there is traffic that is closing in on me. I do agree that for situational awareness, it would be ideal if the traffic display was showing traffic approaching from behind.

That said, if you're in HA mode and using LCA, you shouldn't have to consider current traffic conditions prior to requesting a lane change, so it's really a 'nice to have' rather than a must have.
All good points, @Buffalo Bob. I'm fairly sure I've seen LCA hold off, pending the final stages of an overtake, however, I haven't run into a case where I'm commanding an overtake into a lane where there is traffic that is closing in on me. I do agree that for situational awareness, it would be ideal if the traffic display was showing traffic approaching from behind.

That said, if you're in HA mode and using LCA, you shouldn't have to consider current traffic conditions prior to requesting a lane change, so it's really a 'nice to have' rather than a must have.

Yes, I agree that it's a 'nice to have', as I would never act solely on what I see on the center display anyway.

What amazes me is how often drivers in the lane to my left will just 'park' their car in my blind spot, and stay there indefinitely. It's like they almost want to cause an accident.
Yes, I agree that it's a 'nice to have', as I would never act solely on what I see on the center display anyway.

What amazes me is how often drivers in the lane to my left will just 'park' their car in my blind spot, and stay there indefinitely. It's like they almost want to cause an accident.
Given that just about every car on the road has SOME sort of blind spot monitoring equipment, I think the notion of blind spots are slowly going away. That said, there's plenty of 'parking' that people do in the outside line that blows my mind...like we've never been stuck behind a slow mover in the outside line on a 2 lane road...yet people still continue to do it every single day.
Given that just about every car on the road has SOME sort of blind spot monitoring equipment, I think the notion of blind spots are slowly going away. That said, there's plenty of 'parking' that people do in the outside line that blows my mind...like we've never been stuck behind a slow mover in the outside line on a 2 lane road...yet people still continue to do it every single day.

Hey! Your observation suggests another possible improvement... Maybe Lucid could enable the Lidar array to dial up to 'vaporization mode'. Problem solved!
Hey! Your observation suggests another possible improvement... Maybe Lucid could enable the Lidar array to dial up to 'vaporization mode'. Problem solved!

I'm 100% ok with a momentary increase in battery consumption to power my 5 billion gigawatt space laser, laying waste to the Toyota Camry that's going 2mph under the speed limit in the outside lane.
2.4.4 downloaded and installed on my 2023 Pure AWD. All systems functioning normally. Highway Assist tracking much better, and Lane Change Assist functioned well. Not much time spent getting to know Hello Lucid.

Only one thing to be aware of... When vehicles are in your blind spots, they do NOT show up on the dashboard's new three lane view. That view only shows side and forward views. IMO, it would be a great change to have the car icon appear a little higher up on the screen, and to have the screen show a little less forward and a little more backward, such that any vehicles in your blind spots are shown. The good news is that the side view mirrors still alert you to any vehicles in your blind spots, as of course will your cameras when you have your turn signal engaged. While I did not test it, I'm confident that Lane Change Assist will see any vehicles in your blind spots, and not engage accordingly.

Please do not beat me about the head and back for suggesting an improvement...
It is a shame you felt the need to add the final sentence, but I understand why.
All good points, @Buffalo Bob. I'm fairly sure I've seen LCA hold off, pending the final stages of an overtake, however, I haven't run into a case where I'm commanding an overtake into a lane where there is traffic that is closing in on me. I do agree that for situational awareness, it would be ideal if the traffic display was showing traffic approaching from behind.

That said, if you're in HA mode and using LCA, you shouldn't have to consider current traffic conditions prior to requesting a lane change, so it's really a 'nice to have' rather than a must have.
I think the whole point of the traffic display in HA mode is to give the driver confidence that the car is aware of what is going on around. For this goal showing cars in blind spots sounds as much important (or even more) as showing cars in front of you.
Home assistant does not interface with many smart devices any more than IFTT, which I used for automation in the past before abandoning it.
Yes, it does. Between the native integrations and HACS, it integrates with far far more, and is orders of magnitude more capable than IFTTT.

but as it matures it may be a player. It does not address voice control in my car.
It’s mature; been around since 2011.

Its interface can be accessed through a web-based user interface, by using companion apps for Android and or by voice commands via a supported, such as Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, and Home Assistant's own "Assist" (a built-in local voice assistant) using natural language.

You can use Siri to control Home Assistant just fine via CarPlay.

Still, since you are ahead of my on that tech, perhaps you can tell us what you have accomplished thus far. So for example (Not car related) can it start various smart devices when I am generating excess solar?
Yes. It can do anything you want. It opens my garage automatically and closes it. It integrates with my solar and smart devices and I can automate anything I want. Turns on my bathroom fan when the humidity is above 60% and off after. Etc.

It is a shame you felt the need to add the final sentence, but I understand why.
I don’t, tbh. It was a completely valid post. No mod here would ever disallow that.