2.4.0 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.4 OTA

Anyone else get 2.4.3? I thought they were at 2.4.4
I received 2.4.3, after running 2.4.2 for a week or so.
2.4.3 has a much smoother auto lane change than 2.4.2. It's great.
Just downloaded 2.4.4 yesterday and I'm absolutely blown away by the improvement in wake speed from the app.

Since taking delivery in April 2024, no joke, it would take over a full minute to wake the vehicle from the app. It was friggin' abysmal and utter unacceptable. In other words, the app was damn near worthless for me. Doubly so when you consider that I have a Rivian R1S parked right next to it and the app responds almost instantly.

Now? From the time I open the app to the time I can interact with the buttons, it's less than 10 seconds, usually 5 seconds. This is an outstanding improvement!

I don't have DreamDrive Pro, so those features don't apply to me, but I don't even care - this one improvement is so incredible that I can't possibly be more pleased with the update.

Great job, Lucid and thanks!
For the last week, I have been getting the 4 side camera error warning. This did not happen prior to 2.4.2 update. Called CC and they had me take the car in for service yesterday morning. I was notified today that they have to replace all 4 side cameras. They will not be here until next week. Strange that all 4 cameras went out only after installing 2.4.2 update?
that is strange - I have the same 4 camera faults since 2.4.2 which did not get corrected with 2.4.3, but CC told me it was software not hardware issue that could be fixed by service.
that is strange - I have the same 4 camera faults since 2.4.2 which did not get corrected with 2.4.3, but CC told me it was software not hardware issue that could be fixed by service.
Did you try a reset?
Interesting how some are getting the 2.4.3 and others received 2.4.4 even before some us received 2.4.3. Will have to wait until Monday to test if there are any issues.

With 2.4.2 I had the navigation screen get stuck on the console and pressing the buttons for vehicle or AC etc did not bring up those screens until I figured out that I had to swipe the navigation screen off and that made them appear 😂. Never had that issue before.
For what it's worth, I'm in a loaner DE-P running 2.4.4 and HA, LCA, cameras, and everything are functioning absolutely perfectly. My car, meanwhile, which is the same exact car, except red instead of black, is in service still not activating LCA.

Point is: for most people, they aren't facing issues, even if it's the same exact build as someone who is.

I don't know why; different parts suppliers? Gremlins? It's Thursday? My guess is the first one.
Reasonable responses. Thank you. I would point out if they have a mixed bag of parts, they need to include the variety of parts into the testing cycle. I will say that I am in the early phases of considering other EV products. I will give it a couple of months before I do anything, but if I have a car I can't rely on, I need to consider that. I dealt with these issues in my career and I never had any release that had so much fallout. This is far below the much higher quality of other releases and less than we would expect. After weeks of diagnosis, they are taking my car in in yet another week for repairs.
I am absolutely 100% certain they have learned a lot and continue to learn from this rollout.

But once it works... it really is a great release.
2023 Air pure with DDPro, got updated to 2.4.4 overnight. No issues at all with upgrade. Tested 3D Lane visualization with ACC and it works well. Did not test it with Highway Assist yet.

Great improvement with mobile app, wakes up the car quickly. I tested app about 10 - 12 times so far and one time it couldn't wake up the vehicle at all.

Love the home link buttons, no more jumping through hoops to close garage door
Interesting how some are getting the 2.4.3 and others received 2.4.4 even before some us received 2.4.3. Will have to wait until Monday to test if there are any issues.

With 2.4.2 I had the navigation screen get stuck on the console and pressing the buttons for vehicle or AC etc did not bring up those screens until I figured out that I had to swipe the navigation screen off and that made them appear 😂. Never had that issue before.
As far as I can tell, 2.4.3 is for those who received 2.4.0 and 2.4.2 initially. It is mainly to address issues with those releases. Those that didn’t get 2.4.0 went directly to 2.4.4
'24 lucid AT, with dream drive pro, finally installed the 2.44 update. This is a significant improvement in functionality and capability.

Prior to the lucid, my daily driver was a 2016 BMW 750i, and the lucid's ACC/Lane keep functionality finally surpassed the 8 year old BMW. Before the update, the lane centering of the lucid with highway assist engaged was really unsettling, I had to make constant readjustments to keep it centered in the lane. After the update, the lucid is perfectly centered and my confidence in the highway assist have vastly increased.

The lane change function is smooth, precise, and confidence inspiring.

The app response has drastically improved.

The homelink integration is perfect.

I echo the sentiment from an earlier poster that this update feels like I got a new car.

Kudos to the lucid team on a major improvement. I'm looking forward to Android Auto now that fall has arrived 😁
GT22 updated to 2.4.4 last week tested Hightway Assist worked flawlessly even in rain. I live in DC metro area. It’s been raining pretty bad this week during my commute. Tried DreamDrive pro and it worked as expected. Few issues recognizing tunnel curbs and sometimes detecting shoulder as 3rd lane other that it worked well. Still dropping my Bluetooth connection for audio. Recognize my phone for locking and locking. I never carry my keys, no issues so far. Thanks to Licid team for all the hard work to deliver continuous improvements.
Now that it’s Friday morning, just curious if anyone has NOT recovered the OTA? I’m a ‘23 pure awd DDP and still waiting
Any idea as to my app still take > 10 sec to wake car up after updating to 2.4.4. I logged out and logged back in without any help.
For what it's worth, I'm in a loaner DE-P running 2.4.4 and HA, LCA, cameras, and everything are functioning absolutely perfectly. My car, meanwhile, which is the same exact car, except red instead of black, is in service still not activating LCA.

Point is: for most people, they aren't facing issues, even if it's the same exact build as someone who is.

I don't know why; different parts suppliers? Gremlins? It's Thursday? My guess is the first one.
You are probably not going to like hearing this, @borski, but is this the time to be tying up your customer service center, and a loaner, with your LCA problem? It's a non-critical new feature, and the problem has just about GOT to be software-related.... which is certainly not in a service center's wheelhouse. I thought you top brass preached patience.
Got 2.4.4, all seems well, but I live too far from a three lane highway to calibrate. Will have to wait on a little trip next week!
Same. Having looked at every message here and in other forums, I don't think this has yet been rolled out to 2024 pures. I have been looking at my router download stats so much that the router may file a restraining order against me! 😀
2.4.4 landed last night.
Now that it’s Friday morning, just curious if anyone has NOT recovered the OTA? I’m a ‘23 pure awd DDP and still waiting

2024 Pure and still waiting. Nothing is being downloaded according to the router stats
Data is never an indicator, I have hundreds of GB’s moving across my network from the car daily