$1000 for placing an order


Verified Owner
Jul 4, 2023
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I will be getting delivery of new car tomorrow with lease. Lease contract doesn't say anything regarding $1000 paid while placing the initial order. Anyone knows how is that factored in?
That basically just becomes part of your down payment as far as I can tell. Not subtracting from it, but adding to it. E.g. if you choose to make a 10k down payment, your 1k deposit will make that an 11k down payment. You still put down your chosen down payment amount and first month's payment up front.
I just revisited my lease document to check. There is a "Capitalized Cost Reduction" which includes my down payment and the 7500 tax rebate, but not the 1k deposit. The 1k deposit isn't mentioned anywhere. I see it listed in my payment history, but I guess I also don't understand how that works. Ask your DA and let us know?
interesting.. thank you for checking. Can you check your first payment? was it full monthly lease amount that is expected to be paid or $1000 less? I am assuming I may have to pay $1000 less on first month's lease payment.
That's complicated... My lease document says my first payment will be full down payment + full monthly payment, so that's what I did. At least at the time, Lucid's payment system was kind of broken for leases and it looked as though I was buying the car outright. I coordinated this with my DA and ended up just typing in the number from my lease document as a "partial payment." Maybe the system would have subtracted the 1k deposit had it actually been working, I don't know.
My lease document doesn't factor in $1000 so just called my DA and he said to pay "partial" payment subtracting $1000 from the one shown in lease document as "Amount Due at Lease Signing" -> "Amount to be paid in cash".
They screwed up on mine with this, actually. I ended up getting $1,000 refund months later. Kudos to them for catching it and informing me; I guess I was so excited to get the car I missed it.