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  1. S

    2.6.2 Update

    I am still on 2.6.0 as well. Not every car needs 2.6.2 to my understanding. It is just minor fixes probably related to differences in hardware. If this would be major incremental of 2.7 etc then you could ask customer service to push it to you. At this point I wouldn't worry about it.
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    Dream Edition aiyoooo!

    The housing of the motor is most likely the same. The internals will be different as Adnillien specified to increase power output.
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    Dream Edition aiyoooo!

    For anyone who received the invitation to order Gravity DE, did you all already have GT on order? Was there one person who didn't have GT on previous order and received DE invitation? I highly doubt it but please correct me if I am wrong. This means production line optimization and...
  4. S

    Dream Edition aiyoooo!

    It appears to me that most if not all received the invitation for DE and currently hold GT order. Please don't hate but it looks to me like an upselling tactic due to limited supplies. It is understandable from company position to try to sell as expensive model as possible (profit margins) if...
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    Dream Edition aiyoooo!

    Do you have GT on order. Logged in or not. It is not showing up as an option for me. Yesterday Peter was forced out today DE announcement. Maybe both or connected or not. This DE stunt seems to me that they hoping existing order holders will start switching to DE. It's the same model with...
  6. S

    Dream Edition aiyoooo!

    Only GT model available to order from lucidmotors. Maybe one needs to order GT first in order to be eligible for DE. ;)
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    Confusing credit card charge for free charging

    Small correction it is $75 hold now as of yesterday.
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    Confusing credit card charge for free charging

    It looks like the temp hold went up from $50 to $75 recently. It is being applied by Lucid each time the connector is plugged into the car regardless if the session was successfully authenticated or not. If no charges incurred during charging the hold is released later on.
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    Android Auto Thursday

    That would make it the last possible Thursday this Fall. Hopefully you are right. All indicators show that there is another sizeable release coming up based on the previous releases schedule and OTA event. The question is will it include AA or do we have to wait longer due to Google...
  10. S

    Confirmed: Android Auto coming this fall!

    I am curious about this as well. We are in December now. My hopes are diminishing with every day passing by. @nicktwork any updates on AA rollout?
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    Lease Transfer

    Just get another beater car for the snow and enjoy the air for everything else.
  12. S

    Android Auto Thursday

    Fingers crossed we will see some indication of Android Auto rolling out starting tomorrow. After that I think only 2 Thursdays left.
  13. S

    Range w/heater?

    Good point on redirecting air flow to the windshield.
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    Range w/heater?

    I am noticing similar drop in efficiency on my 2023 Air Pure AWD when temps are in their 30s. Maybe not as significant but still almost 1mi/kwh lower. In addition I noticed that when driving in the same outside temp 34F the heater keeps up the interior temperature at the comfortable level when...
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    Range Questions after first trip

    Short answer is Yes to all questions and all normal behavior what I experienced. Couple of things to mention if you want to get around advertised range: 1. Keep your speed down you should not really go above 70mph especially during cold weather. Anything above 70mpg changes the efficiency...
  16. S

    2.5.3 OTA Update

    2023 Pure AWD here and still on 2.5.0. No sign of 2.5.3 or 2.5.4.
  17. S

    Thank you all!

    1. For Spotify the only thing I can think of is Factory Reset that would clear previous owners credentials. I would mean that you have to setup everything from scratch. I think it is worth trying. 2. As for sensors, it depends on the weather and road conditions. Sometimes for me they are blocked...
  18. S

    All I want for Christmas is ....

    +1 for Android Auto and Dashcam. As for Sentry from previous experiences it was triggering too often to the point it would take too long to review videos. I would put it 3rd on the list. It definitely could come handy in those tight parking spaces.
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    Rear Screen

    There is an option to lock rear screen under display configuration. Make sure it is not turned on.
  20. S

    What is average cost of second annual service

    Thanks Mark! Just for comparison below is the list of parts for 1 year 12K service. The only difference I noticed was the DBF700 Brake fluid Dot4. But the difference in parts cost is $93. That is some really expensive brake fluid. Also it probably doesn't have to be flushed every 2 years if the...