Search results

  1. donfenn

    Air Pure AWD...No More Coming in 2024

    Excuse me if this is already known, but wanted to share.. I just came from Lucid Beverly Hills and had nice chat with their reps.. They explained that Air Pure AWD will not be available as 2024 model.. .. You can order and spec a 2024 Air Pure RWD with your selected range of options, but if...
  2. donfenn

    RESOLVED Service Dept Overload...Great Outcome!

    I made a service appointment for my car in mid September and got a November 1st date.. I have a recent Air Pure AWD, and the issues were not urgent. The main issues were weatherstripping, interior trim, frunk sticking, and trunk fitment.. I was happy to wait for the appointment, but assumed...
  3. donfenn

    Phone Charging Locations?

    I searched for this topic but did not find specific mention of rationale for two phone docks in console, with only one is actually set up to charge. . Why put in two docks if only one is functional?... I assume it was a change of plans after design??
  4. donfenn

    Trunk closure and tightness...

    I know that some easy cars has issues with trunk seal, but wonder if mine is too tight... I already have a wear line in paint on top of lip where it must impact with the lid on lockdown..My car is only a month old. I will take this up with Lucid service but wondering if others have noticed...
  5. donfenn

    Minor Interior Cosmetic Issue

    I went to adjust the temp button and a small flakes of metal on the M of TEMP imprint came off on my finger.. Sent photos to service center.. Will be curious if this is a simple button to replace
  6. donfenn

    RESOLVED Display differences or updates?

    I noticed that images of dash display on website are different than mine... The icons are on the left side of the center dash panel on my car, but as shown in the image they appear on right side on Lucid site
  7. donfenn

    Stuck Frunk

    I tried to open frunk yesterday and heard a click, but it would not open. I found frunk heptic switch in car was then non functional, and the frunk release was not operating from phone app either.. However, I was getting warning message that my frunk was open and driving speed would be...
  8. donfenn

    Spare Charging Cord??

    Curious if anybody has purchased a spare charging cord for their Lucid... I have 220/240 set up at home and would prefer to just leave cord plugged in and ready... Was thinking it might be worthwhile to have a second cable and adapters always in the car..
  9. donfenn

    Love the deal, but waiting..

    I have an order for Air Pure AWD... It was shown in Case Grande last week in production, and is now showing as preparing for delivery. Meanwhile, I have had three so-called delivery advisors, and its difficult to reach any of them..There is no direct phone number and I have been waiting since...
  10. donfenn

    Wheel & Tire Size

    I have had deposit on Lucid for more than two years.. Now with the reduced prices I am pulling the trigger on an Air AWD version... Standard set up is the 19" wheels.. Just curious if it makes sense to upgrade to the 20" wheels... I think they look better, but will sacrifice some economy and...