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  1. borski

    If leasing is not available, would you cancel your Gravity order?

    Spot on. I have many friends for whom buying in cash is easier, because they like owning and knowing that nobody can take it away from them and it's theirs. They also feel more comfortable in that case modifying the car, adding PPF, etc. That said, those folks are missing out on opportunity in...
  2. borski

    For Sale For Sale: Brand New Lucid Air Accessories

    Please add pictures of the items in the next 24 hours or so, or this post will be deleted, as per the marketplace terms. You're welcome to repost once you've got photos! :)
  3. borski

    Former Tesla, Lucid execs form new EV brand Longbow, whose first two models are sharp and ultra-light
  4. borski

    Who'd a thunk it

    Got it, I see what you're saying; I misunderstood what you meant in your first post. I agree with your analysis.
  5. borski

    My version of venting to Lucid Software Team on Audio Issues

    I just want to be clear: the issue with your post wasn’t that you had issues, but the lack of detail and specifics about those issues. I’m really glad we got more detail (and more people with whom they can hopefully test!) Thanks all
  6. borski

    Trusted lucid tire repair in SF/Marin North Bay Area?

    America’s Tire.
  7. borski

    My version of venting to Lucid Software Team on Audio Issues

    I would bet you're right, but I'm less convinced they are audio components necessarily. Could very well be differences in communication components, processors / ECUs, etc. But I do think that in the early days, Lucid had a 'fragmentation' problem, where they had no choice but to use similar, but...
  8. borski

    Auto Lane Change - Much better after update

    Man, so am I. And, tbh, so is MIllbrae. <3
  9. borski

    If leasing is not available, would you cancel your Gravity order?

    You simply request a payoff letter from the lessor, and they give you the full amount which would cover the cap cost, minus funds paid, plus interest for the number of days you've had the lease. Because I had to snail mail a check, I added on like 5-7 days of interest to the payoff, because the...
  10. borski

    If leasing is not available, would you cancel your Gravity order?

    Yes; my plan was to buy it, because the lease rate sucked. If I could have gotten it at $7500 off without leasing it, I'd have done that. But this was the only way to get the $7500 and only took a bit of extra paperwork and a few days. I confirmed it multiple times with the dealer and with...
  11. borski

    My version of venting to Lucid Software Team on Audio Issues

    Amen. Context and details solve most problems. <3
  12. borski

    If leasing is not available, would you cancel your Gravity order?

    For example, you could lease a vehicle and then buy it out early. In that case, you’d be responsible for the residual and all the monthly payments, but only the interest for the time you had the lease. It very much depends on the lease language. Some of us (at least @SaratogaLefty and myself)...
  13. borski

    Honestly, I'm not sure! I'm a subscriber to Apple Music, and I do see the option, so it's likely...

    Honestly, I'm not sure! I'm a subscriber to Apple Music, and I do see the option, so it's likely that is necessary.
  14. borski

    Lucid Audio Experience AMA (March 11, 2025)

    (Just throwing in a thanks to Bob, Colin, and @marqie for fielding this so far, and to all the forum users for posting great questions! 45 minutes left! Keep the great questions coming!) :)
  15. borski

    Lucid Audio Experience AMA (March 11, 2025)

    Spot on, with one adjustment: hi-res audio is not currently supported in any vehicle with CarPlay over wifi. This is an Apple limitation, not a Lucid limitation.
  16. borski

    Lucid Audio Experience AMA (March 11, 2025)

    Apple CarPlay supports lossless audio via W-Fi up to 16 bit / 48 kHz. Wireless CarPlay uses Bluetooth only for the handshake. After that it uses Wi-Fi. Even though Wi-Fi offers more than sufficient bandwidth for hi-res audio, currently it isn't supported. In order to get full hi-res audio (up to...
  17. borski

    Lucid Audio Experience AMA (March 11, 2025)

    Yes. It is not as high-quality as connecting via a USB cable, but is better than Bluetooth streaming due to Bluetooth's additional compression..
  18. borski

    Lucid Audio Experience AMA (March 11, 2025)

    This one I can take as it isn't audio, but is a good question. Wireless CarPlay requires Wi-Fi as Bluetooth doesn’t have the necessary bandwidth to send all the data needed to run the CarPlay interface or apps. Bluetooth is just used for the initial connection. It creates a local Wi-Fi...
  19. borski

    Weird Tidal software glitches

    There was no video attached, fyi