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    RESOLVED Tinting door glass warranty? Yes!

    I picked up AT 3/31/2023, and dropped it off service center on 4/12/2023 with the door glass not working & other issues. 4/13 SA called me liquid from tinting bunt the motor and not going to be under warranty repair. I told him the motor is working because I can hear the motor spinning sound and...
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    Air GT Side LT Side mirror Yellow tint Film?

    Hello everyone, I received a loaner Air GT, and noticed the driver side mirror glass dimmed all the time. SA told me that the early production GT has a yellow flim on it for glare. It is 9/2022 production vehicle. I thought it is the dimming malfunction. Does other GTs have the same yellow...
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    Windshield defect

    Thank you for the advise 👍
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    Windshield defect

    Yes, it is possible but they need to verify it before they tell customer. My disappointment is that they told me they will void warranty before they inspect the vehicle what cause the problem.
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    Windshield defect

    This is text from SA. They made decision before they actually check the vehicle. They haven‘t removed the left rear door trim at that time, and told me that it is confirmed tint causing the malfunction. After I complained, I received txt that the windshield will be covered under warranty and...
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    Windshield defect

    Wow, I am so disappointed with Lucid Service Dept. I received a call from SA, and he told me the left rear door glass regulator malfunction is from window tint, and the warranty won't cover it. Also, the windshield distortion is likely from the tint, too. However, there is no tint on the...
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    Windshield defect

    I dropped off my Air Touring at Torrance, CA service, and the SA told me the windshield needed to be replaced. They gave me AGT loaner :)
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    Windshield defect

    I already scheduled a service appointment because the left rear door glass is not working, too. 😅
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    Windshield defect

    There are water dipping marks on the passenger side of windshield, and it makes visual distortion. Anyone has same issue with the windshield?
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    Window regulator malfunction

    Window regulator malfunction less than week old Air touring My Lucid‘s the left rear door window won’t roll up or down, and makes metal wire moving noise. It seems like the window regulator is broken. I called Costa Mesa, CA service center but no one answer. I left a voice mail and no return...
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    Trunk rubbing noise

    I picked up mine 3 days ago and has the same noise. The Lucid Service advisor told me that all most every Lucid Air has the same problem, and tried to explain it is normal o_O
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    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    Last day of 2023 Q1 delivery! I received my Air touring today. What a beautiful car! I am really happy to join Lucid family 😃
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    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    DA emailed me that my Lucid is arrived at the delivery location, and it will get pre-delivery inspection. Should I expect that I can pick it up in couple of days? I am so exciting!
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    Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

    I am in California Stellar White, Glass Canopy, 20” wheel, Tahoe, DD Pro, SS Pro. Reserved 11/1/2021 Finalized 2/15/2023 VIN 3/20/2023 My delivery advisor emailed me today and the car will be arrived Torrance, CA tomorrow. A lot faster than I expected.
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    Hello from Los Angeles

    My Lucid is in production according to the website, and they want me to sign the purchase agreement. Also, received an email for the payment. Should I sign the purchase agreement now? Thank you in advance.
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    Hello from Los Angeles

    Hello, I am not a Lucid owner yet, and received a VIN number today. Originally, I ordered the pure model, but upgraded to touring. I am exciting to be a Lucid owner!