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  1. X

    Update 2.1.18

    Me, too. I alway have Signet surge issue but after the update no more surge😁. Maybe coincidence.
  2. X

    Update 2.1.18

    Does it fix the Highway assist pingpong issue?
  3. X

    OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3

    2.1.10 - I noticed the 360 camera turns on quicker right after starting the vehicle.
  4. X

    OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3

    Wow, I received another update 2.1.10 after updated to 2.1.7. Two updates in a row today.
  5. X

    OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3

    Finally, I just got 2.1.7 😸
  6. X

    OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3

    Yes, it is good idea. Tesla already has a software preference choice.
  7. X

    Share your best pic!

    I just finished a huge exterior modification 😅
  8. X

    Dual MagSafe phone charging

    I just sent you the order number. Thank you very much for the superior customer service.
  9. X

    Dual MagSafe phone charging

    I received the V2 charger and it works with USB C now. Thank you TWRAPS. PS I ordered too early and missed prime day 15% off 😅. Check the promotion if other members here want to order it.
  10. X

    OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3

    Sorry duplicated post - I deleted
  11. X

    OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3

    I agree. I live in SoCal and nearest EA supports only 150kw. There is no difference with or without pre-conditioning.
  12. X

    RESOLVED DIY Rattling noise from the left lower windshield at high speed

    I have experienced rattling noise from the left lower section of the windshield area. I thought it might be from the windshield washer fluid line, but one of the members here told me it is from the headlight vent. The noise only exists above 75mph and is not that loud enough to go to SC IMO. I...
  13. X

    Dual MagSafe phone charging

    Is it going to be V2 unit If I order the charger today?
  14. X

    OTA 2.1.2 / 2.1.3

    I heard updates are given based on attractiveness. So I know I will be the last one 🤣
  15. X

    Wind noise

    I have experienced the same buzzing noise from the lower left side of windshield above 75mph speed. IMO it might be the left wiper fluid feeding hose rattling with the hood. Anybody visit SC with this noise?
  16. X

    RESOLVED Rear quarter panel buckles

    Update I went to Lucid Costa Mesa SC to share the quarter buckle issue, but I did not expect that Lucid will repair the panel damage. Surprisingly, SA offered me PDR service. A week later, a PDR tech came to my work and he did great job. He took care of about 80% of the damage. I can barely...
  17. X

    Dual MagSafe phone charging

    Any upgrade for the housing? V1 bent from the heat before
  18. X

    Software updates

    Adding Auto lane change will be fantastic 😃
  19. X

    Glass Canopy Heat Protection Thermal Image

    I feel more heat from the windshield(shaded Area) than the roof glass. It is about 66F today and I took thermal photos with Flir Camera. The windshield temperature from the inside is about 6.5 degrees higher than the roof. It looks like the windshield thermal protection layer is different from...
  20. X

    2.0.68 Release

    Sorry, didn't know that there is a website for that. BTW I just found&subscribed your Youtube channel:)